1 Implementing Dr Scheme Tools
2 Adding Languages to Dr Scheme
3 Creating New Kinds of Dr Scheme Frames
4 Extending the Existing Dr Scheme Classes
5 Expanding the User’s Program Text and Breaking
6 Editor Modes
7 Language-specific capabilities
8 drscheme: get/ extend
9 drscheme: unit
10 drscheme: language
11 drscheme: language-configuration
12 drscheme: debug
13 drscheme: rep
14 drscheme: frame
15 drscheme: help-desk
16 drscheme: eval
17 drscheme: modes
On this page:
drscheme: rep: text<%>
drscheme: rep: text%
highlight-errors/ exn
wait-for-io-to-complete/ user
drscheme: rep: drs-bindings-keymap-mixin
drscheme: rep: context<%>
drscheme: rep: get-welcome-delta
drscheme: rep: get-dark-green-delta
drscheme: rep: get-drs-bindings-keymap
drscheme: rep: current-rep
drscheme: rep: current-value-port
Version: 4.0.2


13 drscheme:rep

drscheme:rep:text<%> : interface?

drscheme:rep:text% : class?

  superclass: scheme:text%



This class implements a read-eval-print loop for DrScheme. User submitted evaluations in DrScheme are evaluated asynchronously, in an eventspace created for the user. No evaluations carried out by this class affect the implementation that uses it.

(make-object drscheme:rep:text% context)

  (is-a?/c drscheme:rep:text%)

  context : (implements (scheme drscheme:rep:context<%>))

(send a-drscheme:rep:text after-delete)  void?

Overrides after-delete in mode:host-text-mixin.

Resets any error highlighting in this editor.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text after-insert)  void?

Overrides after-insert in mode:host-text-mixin.

Resets any error highlighting in this editor.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text display-results results)  void?

  results : (list-of TST)

This displays each of the elements of results in the interactions window, expect those elements of results that are void. Those are just ignored.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text do-many-evals run-loop)  void?

  run-loop : (((-> void) -> void) -> void)

Specification: Use this function to evaluate code or run actions that should mimic the user’s interactions. For example, DrScheme uses this function to evaluate expressions in the definitions window and expressions submitted at the prompt.

Default implementation: The function run-loop is called. It is expected to loop, calling it’s argument with a thunk that corresponds to the user’s evaluation. It should call it’s argument once for each expression the user is evaluating. It should pass a thunk to it’s argument that actually does the users’s evaluation.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text do-many-text-evals



















  text : (is-a?/c text%)

  start : int

  end : int

  complete-program? : any/c

Specification: This function evaluates all of the expressions in a text.

Default implementation: It evaluates all of the expressions in text starting at start and ending at end, calling do-many-evals to handle the evaluation.

The complete-program? argument determines if the front-end/complete-program method or the front-end/interaction method is called.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text get-error-range)

  (or/c false/c (list/c (is-a?/c text:basic%) number? number?))

Specification: Indicates the highlighted error range. The state for the error range is shared across all instances of this class, so there can only be one highlighted error region at a time.

Default implementation: If #f, no region is highlighted. If a list, the first element is the editor where the range is highlighted and the second and third are the beginning and ending regions, respectively.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text get-user-custodian)

  (or/c false/c custodian?)

This is the custodian controlling the user’s program.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text get-user-eventspace)

  (or/c false/c eventspace?)

This is the user’s eventspace. The result of get-user-thread is the main thread of this eventspace.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text get-user-language-settings)


Returns the user’s language-settings for the most recently run program. Consider using get-next-settings instead, since the user may have selected a new language since the program was last run.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text get-user-namespace)

  (or/c false/c namespace?)

Returns the user’s namespace. This method returns a new namespace each time Run is clicked.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text get-user-thread)

  (or/c false/c thread?)

This method returns the thread that the users code runs in. It is returns a different result, each time the user runs the program.

It is #f before the first time the user click on the Run button or the evaluation has been killed.

This thread has all of its parameters initialized according to the settings of the current execution. See \Mzhyperref{parameters}{mz:parameters} for more information about parameters.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text highlight-errors locs)  void?

  locs : (listof (list (instance (implements (scheme text:basic<%>))) small-integer small-integer))

Call this method to highlight errors associated with this repl. See also reset-highlighting, and highlight-errors/exn.

This method highlights a series of dis-contiguous ranges in the editor.

It puts the caret at the location of the first error.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text highlight-errors/exn exn)  void?

  exn : exn

Highlights the errors associated with the exn (only syntax and read errors – does not extract any information from the continuation marks)

See also highlight-errors.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text initialize-console)  void?

This inserts the “Welcome to DrScheme” message into the interactions buffer, calls reset-console, insert-prompt, and clear-undos.

Once the console is initialized, this method calls first-opened. Accordingly, this method should not be called to initialize a REPL when the user’s evaluation is imminent. That is, this method should be called when new tabs or new windows are created, but not when the Run button is clicked.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text insert-prompt)  void?

Inserts a new prompt at the end of the text.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text kill-evaluation)  void?

This method is called when the user chooses the kill menu item.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text on-close)  void?

Overrides on-close in editor:basic<%>.

Calls shutdown.

Calls the super method.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text queue-output thnk)  void?

  thnk : (-> void?)

Specification: This method queues thunks for drscheme’s eventspace in a special output-related queue.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text reset-console)  void?

Kills the old eventspace, and creates a new parameterization for it.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text reset-highlighting)  void?

This method resets the highlighting being displayed for this repl. See also: highlight-errors, and highlight-errors/exn.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text run-in-evaluation-thread f)  void?

  f : ( -> void)

Specification: This function runs it’s arguments in the user evaluation thread. This thread is the same as the user’s eventspace main thread.

See also do-many-evals.

Default implementation: Calls f, after switching to the user’s thread.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text shutdown)  void?

Shuts down the user’s program and all windows. Reclaims any resources the program allocated. It is expected to be called from DrScheme’s main eventspace thread.

(send a-drscheme:rep:text wait-for-io-to-complete)  void?

This waits for all pending IO in the rep to finish and then returns.

This method must only be called from the main thread in DrScheme’s eventspace

(send a-drscheme:rep:text wait-for-io-to-complete/user)


This waits for all pending IO in the rep to finish and then returns.

This method must only be called from the main thread in the user’s eventspace

drscheme:rep:drs-bindings-keymap-mixin : (class? . -> . class?)

  argument extends/implements: 


This mixin adds some drscheme-specific keybindings to the editor it is mixed onto.

(send a-drscheme:rep:drs-bindings-keymap get-keymaps)

  (listof (is-a?/c keymap%))

Overrides get-keymaps in editor:keymap<%>.

Calls the super method and adds in a keymap with the drscheme-specific keybindings:

  • f5 - Run

  • c:x;o - toggles the focus between the definition and interactions windows.

drscheme:rep:context<%> : interface?

Objects that match this interface provide all of the services that the drscheme:rep:text% class needs to connect with it’s context.

(send a-drscheme:rep:context clear-annotations)  void?

Specification: Call this method to clear any annotations in the text before executing or analyzing or other such activities that should process the program.

Tools that annotate the program text should augment this method to clear their own annotations on the program text.

DrScheme calls this method before a program is run (via the Run button).

Default implementation: Clears any error highlighting in the definitions window.

(send a-drscheme:rep:context disable-evaluation)  void?

Call this method to disable evaluation GUI evaluation while some evaluation (or expansion) is taking place on another thread.

Override this method if you add a GUI-based mechanism for initiating evaluation in the frame.

This method is also called when the user switches tabs.

See also enable-evaluation.

(send a-drscheme:rep:context enable-evaluation)  void?

This method must disable the GUI controls that start user-sponsored evaluation. It is called once the user starts some evaluation to ensure that only one evaluation proceeds at a time.

It is also called when the user switches tabs.

See also disable-evaluation.

(send a-drscheme:rep:context ensure-rep-shown rep)  void?

  rep : (is-a?/c (scheme drscheme:rep:text<%>))

This method is called to force the rep window to be visible when, for example, an error message is put into the rep. Also ensures that the appropriate tab is visible, if necessary.

(send a-drscheme:rep:context get-breakables)



(or/c thread? false/c)

(or/c custodian? false/c)

Returns the last values passed to set-breakables.

(send a-drscheme:rep:context get-directory)

  (union string false/c)

The result of this method is used as the initial directory for the user’s program to be evaluated in.

(send a-drscheme:rep:context needs-execution)

  (or/c string? false/c)

This method should return an explanatory string when the state of the program that the repl reflects has changed. It should return #f otherwise.

(send a-drscheme:rep:context reset-offer-kill)  void?

The break button typically offers to kill if it has been pushed twice in a row. If this method is called, however, it ignores any prior clicks.

(send a-drscheme:rep:context set-breakables













  thread : (or/c thread false/c)

  custodian : (or/c custodian false/c)

Calling this method with a thread and a custodian means that the next time the break button is clicked, it will either break the thread or shutdown the custodian.

See also get-breakables.

(send a-drscheme:rep:context update-running running?)  void?

  running? : any/c

This method should update some display in the gui that indicates whether or not evaluation is currently proceeding in the user’s world.

(drscheme:rep:get-welcome-delta)  (is-a?/c style-delta%)

Returns a style delta that matches the style and color of the phrase “Welcome to” in the beginning of the interactions window.

(drscheme:rep:get-dark-green-delta)  (is-a?/c style-delta%)

Returns a style delta that matches the style and color of the name of a language in the interactions window.

(drscheme:rep:get-drs-bindings-keymap)  (is-a?/c keymap%)

Returns a keymap that binds various DrScheme-specific keybindings. This keymap is used in the definitions and interactions window.

Defaultly binds C-x;o to a function that switches the focus between the definitions and interactions windows. Also binds f5 to Execute and f1 to Help Desk.


  (or/c false/c (is-a?/c drscheme:rep:text%))

This is a parameter whose value should not be set by tools. It is initialized to the repl that controls this evaluation in the user’s thread.

It only returns #f if the program not running in the context of a repl (eg, the test suite window).

(drscheme:rep:current-value-port)  (or/c false/c port?)

This is a parameter whose value is a port that prints in the REPL in blue. It is used to print the values of toplevel expressions in the REPL.

It is only initialized on the user’s thread.