1 mzlib/ a-signature
2 mzlib/ a-unit
3 mzlib/ async-channel
4 mzlib/ awk
5 mzlib/ class
6 mzlib/ class100
7 mzlib/ cm
8 mzlib/ cm-accomplice
9 mzlib/ cmdline
10 mzlib/ cml
11 mzlib/ compat
12 mzlib/ compile
13 mzlib/ contract
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15 mzlib/ date
16 mzlib/ deflate
17 mzlib/ defmacro
18 mzlib/ etc
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20 mzlib/ for
21 mzlib/ foreign
22 mzlib/ include
23 mzlib/ inflate
24 mzlib/ integer-set
25 mzlib/ kw
26 mzlib/ list
27 mzlib/ match
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30 mzlib/ os
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58 mzlib/ zip
On this page:
define-struct/ properties
Version: 4.0.2


 (require mzlib/struct)

(copy-struct struct-id struct-expr

             (accessor-id field-expr) ...)

“Functional update” for structure instances. The result of evaluating struct-expr must be an instance of the structure type named by struct-id. The result of the copy-struct expression is a fresh instance of struct-id with the same field values as the result of struct-expr, except that the value for the field accessed by each accessor-id is replaced by the result of field-expr.

The result of struct-expr might be an instance of a sub-type of struct-id, but the result of the copy-struct expression is an immediate instance of struct-id. If struct-expr does not produce an instance of struct-id, the exn:fail:contract exception is raised.

If any accessor-id is not bound to an accessor of struct-id (according to the expansion-time information associated with struct-id), or if the same accessor-id is used twice, then a syntax error is raised.

(define-struct/properties id (field-id ...)

                          ((prop-expr val-expr) ...)












Like define-struct from mzscheme, but properties can be attached to the structure type. Each prop-expr should produce a structure-type property value, and each val-expr produces the corresponding value for the property.


  > (define-struct/properties point (x y)

       ([prop:custom-write (lambda (p port write?)

                            (fprintf port "(~a, ~a)"

                                          (point-x p)

                                          (point-y p)))]))

  > (display (make-point 1 2))

  (1, 2)

(make->vector struct-id)

Builds a function that accepts a structure type instance (matching struct-id) and provides a vector of the fields of the structure type instance.