1 Overview
2 Values and Types
3 Memory Allocation
4 Namespaces and Modules
5 Procedures
6 Evaluation
7 Exceptions and Escape Continuations
8 Threads
9 Parameterizations
10 Continuation Marks
11 String Encodings
12 Bignums, Rationals, and Complex Numbers
13 Ports and the Filesystem
14 Structures
15 Security Guards
16 Custodians
17 Miscellaneous Utilities
18 Flags and Hooks
Version: 4.0.2


15 Security Guards

Before a primitive procedure accesses the filesystem or creates a network connection, it should first consult the current security guard to determine whether such access is allowed for the current thread.

File access is normally preceded by a call to scheme_expand_filename, which accepts flags to indicate the kind of filesystem access needed, so that the security guard is consulted automatically.

An explicit filesystem-access check can be made by calling scheme_security_check_file. Similarly, an explicit network-access check is performed by calling scheme_security_check_network.





const char* who,





char* filename,





int guards)

Consults the current security manager to determine whether access is allowed to filename. The guards argument should be a bitwise combination of the following:

The filename argument can be NULL (in which case #f is sent to the security manager’s procedure), and guards should be SCHEME_GUARD_FILE_EXISTS in that case.

If access is denied, an exception is raised.





const char* who,





char* host,





int portno)

Consults the current security manager to determine whether access is allowed for creating a client connection to host on port number portno. If host is NULL, the security manager is consulted for creating a server at port number portno.

If access is denied, an exception is raised.