About the Grant

The “Teaching American History Workshops” will increase and enhance American History content knowledge for both teachers and students. Come develop new strategies for teaching history and language arts in your classroom. The three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Teaching American History program creates a partnership between the University of Delaware, the Christina and Indian River school districts and various Delaware museums and historical societies. Each workshop is designed to address topics included in your school curriculum.

Dr. Barry Alan Joyce, is an Associate Professor of History and Coordinator of the Social Studies Secondary Education program at the University of Delaware. He received his Ph.D. in American History from the University of California, Riverside, in 1995. He is the author of The Shaping of American Ethnography; The Wilkes Exploration Expedition, 1838-1842 (2001). He teaches courses on the American West and Southwest Native American in addition to Social Studies Methods classes. He also leads study programs into the American Southwest for both Delaware students and teachers from Germany. In 2003 the National Council of Social Studies gave the highest possible rating to the university of Delaware's Secondary Education Social Studies program. NCSS considers the program to be a model for Secondary Education programs nationwide.

Francis J. O’Malley, Assessment Director is also the director of the Delaware Social Studies Education Project (DSSEP) and Curriculum Specialist for the Democracy Project. He received his Master’s of Instruction from UD in 2000. A James Madison Fellow, he was UD’s 1995 History Teacher of the Year and Delaware’s 1997 State Teacher of the Year. He is a specialist in curriculum and professional development and also teaches history methods.

To enroll in the Teaching American History program contact:
Kathy DeFoe, SOE
105D Willard Hall
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Fax: 302.831.1625

For questions regarding the grants please email grant-history@udel.edu