Take a BITE out of phish!

Take a BITE out of phish!

Hey there!

You probably got here by clicking on a link in an email. Whoops... that one was a little phishy!

Fortunately, this is part of the Secure UD "Take a BITE out of phish!" campaign: an authorized training simulation to help our community learn how to spot and avoid phishing attacks. You may recognize the email you received on the Secure UD Threat Alerts blog.

Phishing emails often contain links to malicious websites or malware-infected attachments. If the email you received had been a real phishing attack, clicking on that link could have put your personal information or device at risk. How much risk? One group of hackers recently used phishing to steal 30TB of academic data—data that cost U.S. universities $3.4 billion to acquire!

You can make a difference!

You have the power to protect yourself, our community, and our University from phishing. If you receive a suspicious email, forward it to reportaphish@udel.edu to alert our security team!

UD IT Security staff will evaluate the email and help determine whether it is part of our educational campaign, a malicious phishing attack, or a potentially legitimate email.

You can learn more about how to spot and defeat phishing attacks by completing Secure UD Training.

Take a BITE out of phish!


Be aware of the threat.

  • What is phishing?
  • What's the danger to me?
  • How can I learn more?


Identify the warning signs.

  • How can I spot a phishing email?
  • How can I verify if an email is legitimate?


Tell us about suspicious messages.

  • How do I report a suspicious email?
  • What do I do if I fall for a phish?
  • How else can I help raise awareness?


Erase phish from your inbox.

  • What should I do with a phishing email?
  • What about attachments and links?