Managing data utilization

Managing data utilization

Data utilization is the process of using data to support University missions.

Data utilization drives data management. The University acquires, maintains, accesses, and protects data all in order to use that data to support its missions and activities. The University, its units, and all employees have a responsibility to use data only as appropriate.

Consider the following when managing data utilization:

Guidelines for data utilization

When managing data utilization, follow these guidelines:

  • Use data only for approved purposes.
    The University collects data in order to support its missions and processes. Data management decisions, including the acceptable uses of data, are based on the University's missions and needs. The University and its employees are accountable for their use of data. Using data appropriately helps the University succeed; misusing data (by engaging in administrative voyeurism, for example) carries consequences and increases risk.
  • Use only necessary data.
    By using only the data relevant to and necessary for a University-related process, you help reduce the risk inherent in data use. Using unnecessary data, especially sensitive data, can increase risk. For example, if a report is needed that lists the employees in your units for a mailing list, opt for a report that displays only names and email addresses rather than one that includes Social Security numbers or salary plans.