Who should attend?
General assignment reporters; business, science, and technology writers in the print, broadcast, and online media
Who will lead the workshop?
The workshop will be led by experts from academia and from the media.
Where will the workshop be held?
The Trabant University Center, Room 209, on UD's main campus in Newark, Del., is our base. A parking garage is located next door.
What will be covered?
Leading experts will present on energy policy, solar power, wind power, vehicle-to-grid technology, and more. A hands-on component on fuel cells, a tour of UD's hydrogen bus, and an expert panel on emerging technologies and what lies ahead also will be featured. Each media participant also will receive a resource kit with video, high-resolution photographs, and other useful materials for reporting on alternative energy.
Why is the University of Delaware hosting this event?
nearly four decades, UD has been leading research on solar cells, catalysts
for fuel production, lightweight composites for fuel-efficient vehicles,
and energy and environmental policy. Today, UD is expanding on these
strengths and building new, nationally prominent research programs
across the energy spectrum, including wind power, vehicle-to-grid technology,
hydrogen storage, and other areas. The University
of Delaware Energy Institute (UDEI) &mdash a portal to UD's energy
research, policy, and education activities &mdash launched in 2008.
Last year, the U.S. Department of Energy selected UD to be the home
of a new Energy
Frontier Research Center.
What is the registration deadline?
There is no fee to attend the workshop. Limited travel stipends are available to those who register by March 31. Registration officially closes on April 9.
Contact the workshop organizers in the UD Office of Communications & Marketing.
“In no area will innovation
be more important than
the development of new technologies to produce,
use, and save energy.”
— President Barack Obama
Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences,
April 27, 2009
Every day, headlines around the world are associated with issues relating to energy generation, consumption, and costs.
As noted in the National Academy of Sciences report What You Need to Know about Energy (2008), “American society, with a standard of living unprecedented in human history, can attribute a large measure of its success to increasingly sophisticated uses of energy. The strength of industry, the speed of transportation, the myriad comforts and conveniences of home and workplace, and the security of the nation all derive from ever more ingenious provision and application of various sources and forms of energy.”
Currently, the United States gets 85% of its total energy from oil, coal, and gas. The nation is dependent on foreign sources for two-thirds of the petroleum used, and coal-fired plants supply most of our electricity. As global population increases, a tripling of energy use is predicted by the end of this century, with the additional challenge to decrease carbon dioxide emissions from current levels. What does the future hold for the U.S. and the world?
This workshop, hosted by the University of Delaware with support from the Unidel Foundation, is designed to bring reporters together with leading experts in energy disciplines and environmental policy. The goal of the program is to increase the media's understanding of the complex energy issues facing the region, nation, and world through a combination of presentations by experts from academia and journalism, a research lab visit and hands-on activity, a tour aboard UD’s hydrogen bus, and a panel focusing on emerging technologies.