Display of Parking Permits
Service Vehicle Pass 2009-2010
University Service Vehicle reserved spaces are for use by authorized vehicles including those displaying a Service Vehicle permit. Service Vehicle permits issued by the Parking Services Office are for use by personal vehicles being used as University Service Vehicles and authorize parking in service vehicle spaces and loading zones only and must bear a minimum of a Gold permit as well. Written requests substantiating the need for these permits must be sent to the Parking Services Office by the appropriate Dean, Director or Chairperson. Parking in a Service Vehicle Reserve Space is limited to 30 minutes. Hullihen Hall parking lot University Vehicle spaces are reserved for state-owned vehicles; service vehicle passes are not valid in that lot.
Service Vehicle Pass Request Form
To request service vehicle passes for your department, please fill in the form below, giving a brief explanation to demonstrate need for the passes. Passes are to be used by and transferred among the staff with the approval of the Director or Chair.
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