General Regulations
Summary of Vehicle and Parking Regulations
Driver's Responsibilities |Parking Permits | General Regulations | Motorcycle Regulations | ServicesParking Services at the University of Delaware is designed to provide students, faculty, staff, and visitors with adequate, accessible, and well maintained parking facilities.
Parking regulations help to ensure that there is an orderly system in place for all who use vehicles when coming to campus. The regulations also ensure that emergency vehicles and equipment have immediate access to all campus locations. Voluntary compliance is encouraged; however, individuals who disregard the University's parking regulations will receive appropriate sanctions.
University parking regulations apply to the registrant of a vehicle as well as to a spouse, relative or friend who operates the vehicle on the University campus. The person to whom the vehicle is registered is responsible for any parking violation(s) whether he or she is operating the vehicle or the vehicle is being used by another person.
Parking, for the purposes of these regulations, is defined as leaving a vehicle without a driver in attendance regardless of the time period involved. All vehicle and parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day. The University reserves the right to change any campus motor vehicle/parking regulation.
Driver's Responsibilities
Registration - Faculty, staff, students, and visitors must register with Parking Services when parking on University property, excluding pay to park lots and metered spaces.
Finding Authorized Space - Registration of a vehicle in no way guarantees that a parking space convenient for the individual will be provided. The responsibility for finding a legal space rests with the motor vehicle operator. Lack of parking space, mechanical problems, inclement weather or other problems do not justify parking violations.
Permit Ownership - A parking permit signifies an individual has been granted the privilege of parking on University property. Ownership of the permit remains with the University of Delaware. Use of the parking permit is non transferable from the registered user.
The individual to whom a permit is registered is responsible for notifying the Parking Services Office within five days of any change in status, i.e., a commuter student moving on campus, resignation of a staff member who is then admitted as a University student, etc. If the change affects the eligibility of an individual to secure a parking permit, the Parking Services Office will determine the required modification and fee (if any).
Permit Display - Parking permits or passes must be displayed according to the parking regulations or special instructions provided by the Parking Services Division. A parking permit is not considered valid unless it is displayed correctly on the vehicle.
Lost/Stolen Permit - If your permit is lost or stolen, you must come in to Public Safety and file a lost/stolen report. A replacement permit will then be issued.
Permit Returns - Student withdrawing from U of D or faculty and staff terminating employment should return their permits and consult with Parking Services to determine eligibility for refunds.
Parking Permits
Reserved Space -Any full time employee may apply for a Reserved Space. Please contact Parking Services (831-1184) or e-mail
Gate Control - Faculty, staff, and resident students may obtain gate control parking based on availability.
Gold - Faculty, staff, commuting graduate students may apply for a gold parking permit. Also, commuting undergraduate students with a minimum of 110 completed credits who reside outside of the parking perimeter may apply for a gold parking permit.
Blue - Any full time faculty or staff member on the Newark Campus who receives University of Delaware benefits may apply for a free Blue permit, providing it is their initial permit registration for that school year. These permits are restricted to designated portions of both Lot #88 (west of the Bob Carpenter Center) and Lot #6 (on the Laird Campus) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except during break periods (eg. Holidays, Spring Break, and Summer) when the shuttle bus service in not in operation.
Red - All commuting students and miscellaneous wage employees may register for a Red permit. Red permits are valid in non-restricted gold lots after 4 P.M. on weekdays and also on weekends.
Resident Student - Resident students will be restricted to designated lots between the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM Monday - Friday based upon availability. Resident student permits are valid in non-restricted gold lots after 4 PM weekdays and on weekends.
Alternate Vehicle - A permit used when a registered vehicle is temporarily not available.
Daily Permit - For daily use; location based on applicant's eligibility.
Visitor Permit - Applicants not affiliated with the University are eligible for a free visitor permit (see section entitled "Visitors").
Metered Spaces - Metered spaces are designed to provide convenient short-term parking and may be used for the time period activated on the meter. Individuals with University registered vehicles must pay to park in these spaces during the period that meter activation is required. Metered parking requires activation seven days a week between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and midnight.
General Regulations
Campus Speed Limit- Unless otherwise posted, the campus-wide speed limit is 15 miles per hour.
Safety - All vehicles must be operated in a safe manner, and vehicle operators must obey all traffic control devices on campus.
Pedestrians - Pedestrians will be given the right of way at all crosswalks.
Lot Restrictions- University parking lots are color coded and registered vehicles are restricted by specific color codes during the hours posted at the lot entrances.
Parking Spaces - Campus spaces are designated by white or yellow lines, and vehicles must be parked within the lines. Parking in driveways or accessways is prohibited. A driveway is defined as any area of roadway, including the area within a parking lot which is not specifically marked for parking, loading, or as a fire lane. An accessway is any area, path or walkway which permits entry to or exit from a building.
Traffic Control - Any campus area that is closed by barricade or other traffic control device cannot be entered by any vehicle except as authorized by the Department of Public Safety.
Fire Lanes - All state laws governing movement, operation, and parking of vehicles shall apply on University property. Parking in fire lanes is a violation of a Newark ordinance as well as University regulations. Vehicles may be towed at the owner's expense. A licensed driver must be with the vehicle at all times. Use of flashers does not constitute legal parking.
Residence Hall Moving - Vehicles are permitted to park in driveways adjacent to residence halls for up to thirty minutes at the beginning and end of each semester, when students move in and out of the residence halls. Each vehicle must be attended by a person who can move it immediately in the event of an emergency; any unattended vehicle will be towed at the owner's expense. The Department of Public Safety supervises and directs parking when it is for the purpose of loading student possessions during the change of semesters. Vehicles are not permitted to park in fire lanes.
Overnight Parking - Overnight on-campus storage of automobiles, trucks, trailers or other vehicles is prohibited unless authorized by the Department of Public Safety. Vehicles bearing a valid resident student permit are exempt from this prohibition.
Reserved Spaces - Unauthorized vehicles parked in reserved spaces will be cited and may be towed at the owner's expense.
Disabled Vehicles - The Department of Public Safety must be notified about all inoperable vehicles. The person operating the vehicle must remain with it until the officer arrives to determine if there is a hazard. Vehicles must be moved within 24 hours or will be towed at the operator's expense.
Towing - The University reserves the right to immobilize (boot) or to remove and impound abandoned vehicles or vehicles in violation of University parking regulations.
Appeals - An appeal of parking violation penalties must be filed with the Parking Services Office within fifteen (15) calendar days of the issuance of the Notice of Violation.
Vehicle Maintenance - Maintenance to any vehicle in a campus parking lot is prohibited. This includes mechanical and cosmetic work. Maintenance would include but is not limited to car washing, waxing, oil changes, body or motor repairs.
Motorcycle Regulations
Motorcycle Definition - For the purposes of these regulations, the term "motorcycle" includes mopeds,
motor scooters, and all other two- and three-wheeled motorized vehicles.
Motorcycle Parking Spaces - Cars may not park in motorcycle spaces, and motorcycles may not park
in car spaces, other than activated meters. Motorcycles cannot be parked
at bicycle racks.
Unauthorized Parking - Motorcycles are not permitted in University buildings since they constitute
a serious hazard and will be removed at the direction of the Department
of Public Safety in accordance with prevailing University policy. Motorcycles,
mopeds, and motor scooters are prohibited from being parked and secured
to a lamppost, railing, handicapped ramp, or other pedestrian accessway.
In addition to incurring a fine, the owner of the vehicle will pay the
costs of removal.
Jump Starts -Free jump start service is available by calling UD Police at 831-2222.
Give your lot number and car description; then lift your car's hood for
easy identification.
Lockout Service -Public Safety will provide assistance in cases of vehicle lockouts
by opening the vehicle or facilitating contact with a locksmith if necessary.
Escort Service -For personal safety, you can request an escort to or from your vehicle
during hours of darkness by calling 831-6666, or using a campus blue light