Parking Violations & Penalties
Fraudulent Registration
A person who purchases a University permit in violation of these regulations or who uses or displays it shall be fined for fraudulent registration. There shall be no refunds on registrations voided due to fraudulent registration. Fraudulent registration includes but is not limited to:
Purchase of a parking permit in another person's name.
Multiple vehicle registration for the same period, except as permitted by University regulations.
Registration of a vehicle which is to be used by a person not authorized for University parking.
Display or use of a University registration permit on a vehicle other than the vehicle registered.
Use of a "Visitor Permit "by faculty, staff, or student unless the use is authorized by the Parking Services Office.
Alteration of a permit.
Misrepresentation of an individual's eligibility to secure a University parking permit.
Use of a gate control parking privilege by/for an unauthorized person or vehicle (i.e. sharing ID's, letting someone in)