The School Nurse Certificate in Basic School Nursing
The Basic School Nursing cluster was specifically developed to address the Department of Education Induction requirements of the school nurse specialist. The goal is to provide newly licensed school nurses with advanced knowledge and skills needed to practice safely and effectively in the school setting.
Basic School Nursing aims to facilitate successful transition from general nursing practice to school nursing by addressing essential nursing and educational components that are needed by school nurses, but are not included in a traditional nursing degree program.
This cluster is approved by the Department of Education, State of Delaware. At the completion of this cluster, participants will receive a certificate in Basic School Nursing from the University of Delaware.
The Curriculum
90 Hours - 6 Modules
Modules 1-3 – Issues in School Nursing
Modules 1-3 are offered as one course each summer. This course focuses on the roles of the new school nurse and healthcare needs of school-age children. Content includes testing/screening, guidance/counseling, health teaching, legal and ethical issues, and community partnerships. This course meets half of the requirements for the School Nurse Certificate.
To register, send a check made out to the University of Delaware for $800 to:
Dr. Janice Selekman
School of Nursing
McDowell Hall
Newark DE 19716
or to pay with credit card click here.
Module 4 - Delaware School Nurse Orientation Program
This program is held for 2 days in Dover each August. To register, contact Linda Wolfe in the Department of Education.
Module 5 - Preventing Communicable Diseases in Children
This module focuses on identification and prevention of communicable diseases, the nurse as a first responder in a crisis situation involving bioterrorism, as well as measures taken to enhance protection and respond to active disease. It is offered each fall.
To register, send a check made out to the University of Delaware for $250 to:
Dr. Janice Selekman
School of Nursing
McDowell Hall
Newark DE 19716
or to pay with credit card click here.
Module 6 - The Exceptional Child
This module focuses on children with chronic conditions or special needs. It covers the federal laws that protect them, the principles of special education, and multiple physical and mental health conditions. It is offered each spring.
To register, send a check made out to the University of Delaware for $250 to:
Dr. Janice Selekman
School of Nursing
McDowell Hall
Newark DE 19716
or to pay with credit card click here.
For additional information please contact Dr. Janice Selekman.