University of Delaware


Quarks, Gluons, and the Big Bang

Maurice Barnhill

General Syllabus Notes Exam information Announcements


Name Q J Mass T Primary Decay Mode(s) Ultimate Decay Products
photon 0 1 0 stable -- --
graviton 0 2 0 stable -- --
nu- e 0 1/2 small stable -- --
anti-nu- e 0 1/2 small stable -- --
nu- mu 0 1/2 small stable -- --
anti-nu- mu 0 1/2 small stable -- --
nu- tau 0 1/2 small stable -- --
anti-nu- tau 0 1/2 small stable -- --

Name Q J Mass T Primary Decay Mode(s) Ultimate Decay Products
electron - 1 1/2 0.511 stable -- --
positron 1 1/2 0.511 stable -- --
mu- - 1 1/2 106 2.2E- 06 electron + anti-nu- e + nu- mu electron + anti-nu- e + nu- mu
mu+ 1 1/2 106 2.2E- 06 positron + nu- e + anti-nu- mu positron + nu- e + anti-nu- mu
pi0 0 0 135 8.4E- 17 photon + photon 1 or more photon
pi- - 1 0 140 2.6E- 08 mu- + anti-nu- mu electron + anti-nu- e
pi+ 1 0 140 2.6E- 08 mu- + + nu- mu positron + nu- e
K- - 1 0 494 1.2E- 08 mu- + anti-nu- mu electron + anti-nu- e
K+ 1 0 494 1.2E- 08 mu+ + nu- mu positron + nu- e
K0S 0 0 498 8.9E- 11 pi+ + pi- 1 or more photon
K0L 0 0 498 5.2E- 08 pi0 + pi0 + pi0 1 or more photon

Name Q J Mass T Primary Decay Mode(s) Ultimate Decay Products
eta 0 0 547 5.6E- 19 photon + photon 1 or more photon
rho- - 1 1 770 4.0E- 24 pi- + pi0 positron + nu- e
rho0 0 1 770 4.4E- 24 pi+ + pi- 1 or more photon
pi0 + pi0
rho+ 1 1 770 4.4E- 24 pi+ + pi0 electron + anti-nu- e
omega meson 0 1 782 7.8E- 23 pi+ + pi- + pi0 1 or more photon
K-* - 1 1 892 1.3E- 22 K0 + pi- electron + anti-nu- e
K- + pi0
K+* 1 1 892 1.3E- 22 anti-K0 + pi+ positron + nu- e
K+ + pi0
K0* 0 1 896 1.3E- 23 K0 + pi0 1 or more photon
anti-K0* 0 1 896 1.3E- 23 anti-K0 + pi0 1 or more photon
anti-Proton - 1 1/2 938 stable -- --
Proton 1 1/2 938 stable -- --
Neutron 0 1/2 940 8.9E+ 02 Proton + electron + anti-nu- e Proton + electron + anti-nu- e
anti-Neutron 0 1/2 940 8.9E+ 02 anti-Proton + positron + nu- e anti-Proton + positron + nu- e
eta- prime 0 0 958 3.2E- 21 pi+ + pi- + eta 1 or more photon

Name Q J Mass T Primary Decay Mode(s) Ultimate Decay Products
phi 0 1 1019 1.5E- 22 K+ + K- 1 or more photons
K0 + anti-K0
Lambda 0 1/2 1116 2.6E- 10 Proton + pi- Proton + electron + anti-nu- e
anti-Lambda 0 1/2 1116 2.6E- 10 anti-Proton + pi+ anti-Proton + positron + nu- e
anti-Sigma+ - 1 1/2 1189 8.0E- 11 anti-Proton + pi0 anti-Proton
anti-Neutron + pi-
Sigma+ 1 1/2 1189 8.0E- 11 Proton + pi0 Proton
Neutron + pi+
Sigma0 0 1/2 1193 7.4E- 20 Lambda + photon Proton + electron + anti-nu- e
anti-Sigma0 0 1/2 1193 7.4E- 20 anti-Lambda + photon anti-Proton + positron + nu- e
Sigma- - 1 1/2 1197 1.5E- 10 Neutron + pi- Proton + 2 electron + 2anti-nu- e
anti-Sigma- 1 1/2 1197 1.5E- 10 anti-Neutron + pi+ anti-Proton + 2 positron + 2nu- e

Name Q J Mass T Primary Decay Mode(s) Ultimate Decay Products
anti-Delta++ - 2 3/2 1230 5.5E- 24 anti-Proton + pi- anti-Proton + electron + anti-nu- e
Delta- - 1 3/2 1230 5.5E- 24 Neutron + pi- Proton + 2 electron + 2anti-nu- e
anti-Delta+ - 1 3/2 1230 5.5E- 24 anti-Neutron + pi- anti-Proton
Delta0 0 3/2 1230 5.5E- 24 Neutron + pi0 Proton + electron + anti-nu- e
anti-Delta0 0 3/2 1230 5.5E- 24 anti-Neutron + pi0 anti-Proton + positron + nu- e
Delta+ 1 3/2 1230 5.5E- 24 Neutron + pi+ Proton
anti-Delta- 1 3/2 1230 5.5E- 24 anti-Neutron + pi+ anti-Proton + 2 positron + 2nu- e
Delta++ 2 3/2 1230 5.5E- 24 Proton + pi+ Proton + positron + nu- e
Xi0 0 1/2 1315 2.9E- 10 Lambda + pi0 Proton + electron + anti-nu- e
anti-Xi0 0 1/2 1315 2.9E- 10 anti-Lambda + pi0 anti-Proton + positron + nu- e
Xi- - 1 1/2 1321 1.6E- 10 Lambda + pi- Proton + 2 electron + 2anti-nu- e
anti-Xi- 1 1/2 1321 1.6E- 10 anti-Lambda + pi+ anti-Proton + 2 positron + 2nu- e
anti-Sigma+* - 1 3/2 1383 1.8E- 23 anti-Lambda + pi- anti-Proton
Sigma+* 1 3/2 1383 1.8E- 23 Lambda + pi+ Proton
Sigma0* 0 3/2 1384 1.8E- 23 Lambda + pi0 Proton + electron + anti-nu- e
anti-Sigma0* 0 3/2 1384 1.8E- 23 anti-Lambda + pi0 anti-Proton + positron + nu- e
Sigma-* - 1 3/2 1387 1.7E- 23 Lambda + pi- Proton + 2 electron + 2anti-nu- e
anti-Sigma-* 1 3/2 1387 1.7E- 23 anti-Lambda + pi+ anti-Proton + 2 positron + 2nu- e

Name Q J Mass T Primary Decay Mode(s) Ultimate Decay Products
Xi0* 0 3/2 1532 7.2E- 23 Xi0 + pi0 Proton + electron + anti-nu- e
anti-Xi0* 0 3/2 1532 7.2E- 23 anti-Xi0 + pi0 anti-Proton + positron + nu- e
Xi-* - 1 3/2 1535 6.6E- 23 Xi- + pi0 Proton + 2 electron + 2anti-nu- e
anti-Xi-* 1 3/2 1535 6.6E- 23 anti-Xi- + pi0 anti-Proton + 2 positron + 2nu- e
Omega- - 1 3/2 1672 8.2E- 11 Lambda + K- Proton + 2 electron + 2anti-nu- e
anti-Omega- 1 3/2 1672 8.2E- 11 anti-Lambda + K+ anti-Proton + 2 positron + 2nu- e
tau- - 1 1/2 1777 2.9E- 13 pi- + pi0 + nu- tau electron + anti-nu- e + nu- tau
tau+ 1 1/2 1777 2.9E- 13 pi+ + pi0 + anti-nu- tau positron + nu- e + anti-nu- tau
W+ 1 1 80000 3.2E- 25 positron + nu- e positron + nu- e
W- - 1 1 80000 3.2E- 25 electron + anti-nu- e electron + anti-nu- e
Z 0 1 91000 2.6E- 25 electron + positron 1 or more photon
Higgs+ 1 0 large ? not observed (not observed)
Higgs- - 1 0 large ? not observed (not observed)
Higgs0 0 0 large ? not observed (not observed)