Example of .titleBar file
# File to manage the title Bar ( titleBar - Version 3.00 )
# This should be sourced in the .cshrc file and it defines aliases and
# shell variables:
# fullname - variable with fully qualified hostname
# shortname - variable with just the first name of host
# toolname - variable with name of tool (e.g. xterm)
# header - alias that will set the title bar on window
# iheader - alias to change the name on the icon
# cwdcmd - alias to be run every time a directory is changed
# (This is done autmatically in tcsh, and is done
# in csh by redefining the cd command)
# rlogin - alias which is the same as rlogin with a cwdcmd on return.
# prompt - is set conditional on whether you are in window.
if $?HOSTNAME then
set fullname = $HOSTNAME
set fullname = `hostname`
set shortname = `echo $fullname | awk -F. '{print $1}'`
switch ("$term")
case sun*:
set toolname = cmdtool
# These commands put the hostname in the title bar when
# coming in from a cmdtool or shelltool window.
alias header 'echo -n "]l\!*\"'
alias iheader 'echo -n "]L\!*\"'
alias cwdcmd 'header $shortname":"$cwd ;\\
iheader $shortname'
case *xterm*:
set toolname = xterm
# These commands put the hostname in the title bar when
# coming in from a xterm window.
alias header 'echo -n "]2;\!*"'
alias iheader 'echo -n "]1;\!*"'
alias cwdcmd 'header xterm@$shortname":"$cwd ;\\
iheader $shortname'
case *:
alias cwdcmd pwd
# If we are not using a tool then put the host name
# in the prompt since it is not on the window
if ( `echo $SHELL | egrep tcsh` != "" ) then
if ($?toolname) then
set prompt = "<%\!>% "
set prompt=$shortname"<%\!>% "
if $?toolname then set prompt = "[\!]% "
else set prompt=$shortname" set prompt = "<%\!>% "
else set prompt=$shortname"<%\!>% "
if $?toolname then
set prompt = "[\!]% "
else set prompt=$shortname"[\!]% "
# Simulate the cwdcmd command since it is not built in
# csh like it is in tcsh.
alias cd 'cd \!*; cwdcmd'
alias rlogin 'rlogin \!*; cwdcmd'
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