Documentation for NAG Fortran Library
The document NAG Fortran Library contains an overview of NAG and information on its use that should be read prior to reading this document.
Documentation for the current version of NAG
Documentation from NAG, Ltd. is available n three forms—HTML, PDF, and paper:
- An online version of the Fortran Library, Mark 19, at the NAG web site. Other versions of the NAG libraries are documented on NAG's main documentation page.
- The PDF version available from IT's Numerical Libraries software distribution page. (Request the NAG Online CD.)
- A non-circulating, printed, reference copy of the 20-volume documentation set, in the RDMS Computing Lab.
The NAG Essential Introduction and Users' Note are good starting places.
Getting Started Documentation
We recommend using the make command to compile and link your programs with NAG libraries. This is easiest and does not require any additional UNIX environmental variables. It is illustrated in the Using Fortran 77 and NAG's Fortran Library document.
The use of make differs from the approach taken in the NAG documentation. If you choose to follow the NAG procedure instead, you must first set the environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH with the following command:
Related documentation
The NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology) web site provides another valuable information tool, the Guide to Available Mathematical Software (GAMS) server. The GAMS server helps you find documentation and examples for all FNL routines by name. It also has a decision tree that guides you to appropriate routines from NAG as well as other mathematical and statistical libraries.
Finally, HotGAMS, NIST's Java interface to GAMS, is accessible from any system that has a Java appletviewer installed. For example, from Strauss, you would type
appletviewer &