Personnel Notes
Lin McDowell joined the ELI administrative team in February as staff assistant to Dru Arban in ELI’s finance office. Lin brings wonderful technical and interpersonal skills to her position—and manages to make all of our students feel at home.
Nadia Redman arrived in April as ELI’s new admissions and recruitment coordinator. She brings with her an MBA, a rich international and intercultural background, plenty of creativity and lots of energy and enthusiasm.
Tutor David Cesarano has accepted a position teaching in Pusan, South Korea.
Instructor Becky Nessenthaler Toner accepted a position at the University of Pennsylvania to be closer to her husband and lovely baby girl, Lily.
Chris Wolfe, ELI’s legal studies coordinator, was appointed to a full-time faculty position in the University’s Lerner College of Business and Economics, where he has held a joint appointment for the past five years. An employee of the ELI for 20 years, Chris leaves a legacy of having established our American Law and Legal English Institute and, more recently, helping to launch Service Learning within the ELI.
At its April graduation, ELI honored Dr. Timothy Barnekov, dean of the College of Human Services, Education, and Public Policy, upon his retirement for his many years of support for the ELI and for international education. We welcome Dr. Michael Gamel-McCormick as the new dean of the college.
Laurie Fuhrmann assumed new responsibilities as ELI’s admissions counselor, heading up ELI’s Conditional Admission Program (CAP), as well as handling admissions for sponsored students, special groups and our Evening Program. Ever resourceful, Laurie has helped make CAP an important source for international undergraduates at UD.
Pat White, longtime tutor and supplemental faculty member in the English department, had successful open-heart surgery in April, but his recovery was complicated by an allergic reaction that led to the amputation of both legs below the knee and of most of his right hand. To help meet some of his medical costs, a fund has been established. To contribute, make out a check to ‘The Patrick White Fund” and send it to Professor John Jebb (c/o Department of English, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716). You may send Whitey a note of encouragement at
Naomi Sarah Schneider, granddaughter of former ELI Associate Director Kathy Schneider (top right), was born to John Schneider (left) and his wife Erin on August 22. John, who worked as an orientation assistant at the ELI several summers, is in his second year of residency at Rush University Hospital in Chicago. |