Each Registrant should complete his/her own form. Accomodations should be booked ON YOUR OWN - AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The basic conference registration fee covers all workshops, presentations, displays, opening social, coffee and juice breaks, Friday's lunch, pre-conference mailings, the Annual General Meeting, registration package, honoraria and the always entertaining Geo-Auction on Friday Evening.
Additional fees are required for the field trips and the Awards Banquet.
Print out this form, complete it and submit all fees in US funds payable to DTS/NAGT-ES and mail to:
Ellis Underkoffler, 273 Pond Dr., Hockessin, DE 19707
Name:_____________________________________________ Affiliation:______________________________________ Telephone: School/College:_____________________ Home:_____________________ Address:____________________________________________ City:______________________ State/Province:______________________ Zip/Postal Code: ______________________ E-mail:______________________ Please supply e-mail if possible - this is the FASTEST method for contact Conference Fees by April 5, 1996 ($30.00 US) _____________ Conference Fees after April 5, 1996 ($35.00 US) _____________ Non Member (NAGT-ES or DTS) (must add) ($ 5.00 US) _____________ Student, Spouse or Guest ($15.00 US) _____________ Saturday Awards Banquet ($28.00 US) _____________ Field Trips: INDICATE YOUR CHOICE BELOW ($30.00 US) _____________ (___) 1. York (PA)_Carbonates (___) 2. Geology of Gettysburg Battlefield (PA) (___) 3. Calvert Cliffs (Fossil Collecting) (___) 4. Progressive Metamorphism of the Tri-State District (DE, PA, MD) (___) 5. Geo-Secrets of the Baltimore (MD) area ================= Total Amount Enclosed (US) ______________
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