Ordered alphabetically by student's last name
Adelmann | Carrera |
Hennigan | Liang |
Pretz |
Ungaro |
Aten | Che | Hilgart | Macasevich | Russakow | |
Baker | Friedrich | Kee | Melrose | Russo | |
Bonnevie | Gallo | Kistler | Mulrooney, Th | Schoepflin |
![]() Installation and Configuration of an Experimental Testbed for Robot Navigation in Indoor Environments Joseph Adelmann, Nathaniel Dylan Kee, and Herbert Tanner Department of Mechanical Engineering The future of robotics does not
lie in controlling a single robot but in effectively controlling large
groups of robots. This can be attained through computer programs.
However before using these programs on actual robots, to save time and
energy it is more practical to simulate the results. Player and Gazebo,
of the open source robot testing software Player Project, are used to
accomplish this feat. Player allows users to write robot control
programs in any programming language. Gazebo is used to simulate
multiple robots in a three dimensional world utilizing rigid-body
physics. After simulation in Player and Gazebo, the actual code
is implemented wirelessly on CoroBot. CoroBot is a robot manufactured
by CoroWare, Inc. specifically for research purposes. Due to
inaccuracies in the simulation with respect to real world such as wheel
slippage, CoroBot's movements do not mirror the result of the
simulations. Therefore, a Vicon MX motion capture system
consisting of eight infra-red cameras is utilized to update CoroBot on
its location. This system tracks the motions of the robots relative to
an established origin. The bulk of the work was spent installing the
necessary software and hardware. Then all the systems had to be
interfaced with one another wirelessly. Initial control programs
focused on the robots interacting with their environment i.e.
recognizing obstacles. Future endeavors will utilize this testbed to
simulate and control larger, more diverse groups of robots including
both ground and aerial robots.
![]() Tensile testing of Polymer Electrolyte Membranes in varying environmental conditions Alex B. Aten, Michael H. Santare, Anette M. Karlsson,Tom Cender, Melissa Lugo, and Andrew Fassler Department of Mechanical Engineering Polymer Electrolyte Membranes
(PEMs) perform an essential function in the chemical reaction in a fuel
cell. PEMs conduct protons, but force electrons to travel through
a circuit in order to complete a chemical reaction. This creates
an electric current that can be used as power. As a fuel
cell is used, the membranes wear down and eventually fail.
Mechanical degradation is an important contributor to the failure of
PEMs in fuel cells. In an operational fuel cell, the PEM is
exposed to a wide range of temperatures and humidity. The
membranes swell and contract with changes in temperature or
humidity. The mechanical properties also change depending on
these conditions. The stresses that develop as the membrane is
exposed to changing conditions lead to decreased durability and
eventually failure. In order to design longer lasting fuel cells,
it is necessary to understand the mechanical properties of the PEMs in
a variety of conditions. This research is focused on examining
the behavior of the membrane in cold (5 to -40 degrees Celsius)
conditions. By conducting a simple tensile test across a range of
temperatures and humidities we can see how the Young’s Modulus and
Proportional Limit Stress change with conditions.
high-performance cathode for solid oxide fuel cells
Andrew M. Baker, James L. White, and Joshua L. Hertz Department of Mechanical Engineering In solid oxide fuel
cells (SOFCs), ceramics are used as components because of their ability
to conduct electrons and/or ions. Cathodes in SOFCs are used to
facilitate the reduction of oxygen at the interface in the fuel cell.
Currently, cathodes are a composite made from two materials: one which
conducts electrons and one which conducts oxygen ions. These materials
can be replaced with a single material known as a mixed ionic electron
conductor (MIEC), which is capable of simultaneously conducting both
electrons and ions. Though conventional powder processing can be used
to create a ceramic MIEC, significantly more efficient MIEC’s can be
formed using nanoporous ceramic processing. A nanoporous thin
film will be created by sputtering, a physical vapor deposition
process. Processing and simultaneously sputtering a target of a known
ceramic MIEC, barium strontium cobalt ferrite (BSCF), with a target of
a polymer, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), and subsequently decomposing
the polymer will create a nanoporous thin film of BSCF. The increased
surface area of the film, due to the porosity, will increase available
reaction sites of the material and improve its ability to efficiently
exchange oxygen with the atmosphere. These processes can be further
optimized to create a highly efficient material which can be used as a
cathode in a SOFC. In this poster, we will describe our initial
efforts to create this nanoporous film.
Characterization of Articular Cartilage
Edward D. Bonnevie, Pierre Yao Koffi, Liyun Wang, and David L. Burris Department of Mechanical Engineering Osteoarthritis (OA), a
degenerative joint disease associated with the degradation of articular
cartilage, is the leading cause of chronic disability in the United
States. OA is difficult to detect (especially in the early
treatable stages) and treat. Currently, histology techniques are used
to study damage and damage mechanisms; while these destructive
techniques are sensitive to local areas of subtle damage, they preclude
continued studies of the specimen. In-vivo MRI holds promise for
studies of damage progression, but its resolution limits use to cases
of severe and irreparable tissue damage. Joint lubrication is known to
be highly sensitive to the unique biphasic structure of the cartilage
matrix and its fluid pressurization response to loading. It is
hypothesized that structural damage interferes with lubrication and
increases friction. In this study, we explore the use of
tribological measurements for non-destructive diagnosis of cartilage
damage and spatial tracking of damage progression. The design of
this instrument is discussed in the context of the unique lubrication
mechanisms of cartilage. Contrary to suggestions in the
literature, preliminary control testing with healthy cartilage has
demonstrated sustained physiological lubrication during microscale
contact conditions ( < 0.1). Additionally, the friction
coefficient was found to be sensitive to speed, load, path-length and
probe radius. These preliminary findings strongly suggest that i)
initial localized surface damage will have an effect on the friction
coefficient; and ii) microscale tribometry will allow for early
detection, spatial tracking of damage progression and mechanically
induced damaged.
![]() Optofluidic Microscopy Employing In-Line Holography Allan Che, Caitlin Pretz, Takashi Buma, and Kenneth Barner Department of Mechanical Engineering The modern medical field relies
on high-resolution biological imaging
systems, however most of these systems still involve bulky and
expensive equipment or several days of waiting for results. The
for more compact and less costly tools without the sacrifice of image
resolution is growing. In this poster presentation, we discuss
systems created from inexpensive items (laser, LED, webcam, etc.)
rather than from comparatively costly parts. With the help of
holographic image reconstruction, our imaging systems were able to
reveal detail as small as 10 um while maintaining a small instrument
of Processing on the Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy
Sarah Friedrich, Limin Gao and Erik Thostenson Department of Mechanical Engineering Carbon nanotubes have drawn
increasing attention for their possible uses in composite materials
engineering. Their small size brings reinforcement structures down from
the micrometers to the nanometers, and their exceptional physical,
electrical, and thermal properties offer exciting possibilities for
composite materials. In particular, the conductive properties and large
aspect ratio (length/diameter) of carbon nanotubes allow the formation
of conductive networks in epoxy polymer materials at concentrations
below 0.1 weight percent. The calendering approach to CNT
dispersion offers a scalable and cost-effective method to maximize
dispersion while minimizing damage to the nanotubes. This research
studies the formation of electrically conductive networks during the
calendering process. Microscopy reveals that calendering the mixture at
subsequently smaller gap settings is most highly effective at breaking
up the nanotube agglomerates, but the electrical data showed a more
complex relationship between calendaring and conductivity. Preliminary
results suggest that some larger agglomerates mixed in with the highly
dispersed nanotubes may increase conductivity by acting as nodes off
which other conducting paths may branch. This work is
funded by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research
(FA9550-06-1-0489), Dr. Byung-Lip Lee, Program Director.
![]() UTILIZING THE ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF CARBON NANOTUBES TO DETECT DAMAGE IN FIBER-REINFORCED COMPOSITES Gerard J. Gallo, Limin Gao, and Erik T. Thostenson Department of Mechanical Engineering Center for Composite Materials Increasing applications of
fiber-reinforced composites into large-scale structures requires the
need to develop reliable damage sensing techniques. It has been found
due to the conductive nature of carbon nanotubes that infusing them
into the matrix of a fiber composite creates a sensory network from
which the electrical resistance of the specimen can be acquired.
Increases in the electrical resistance indicate the development of
damage in the composite. For testing, multi-walled carbon nanotubes
were dispersed into an epoxy resin and infused into both non-conductive
glass-fiber preforms as well as highly conductive carbon-fiber
preforms. Both sets of specimens underwent cyclic loading tests during
which stress, strain, and changes in electrical resistance were
recorded. A crack density parameter was developed for the glass fiber
specimens using edge replication. The increase in electrical resistance
during each loading phase of the test cycles was compared with the
corresponding crack density in order to display the various damage
stages before failure. Electrical resistance data collected from the
carbon fiber specimens was evaluated in order to isolate the resistance
data of the carbon nanotubes from that of the carbon fiber. This
separation would provide a better understanding of the location of
damage in the composite. This research is sponsored by
the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Dr. Joycelyn Harrison,
Program Director) and Acellent Technologies Inc. under Subaward
![]() Performance of Carbon Foam as a Gas Diffusion Layer in a PEM Fuel Cell Bryan E. Hennigan, Feng-Yuan Zhang, Ajay K. Prasad, and Suresh G.Advani Center for Fuel Cell Research and Department of Mechanical Engineering Proton exchange membrane fuel
cells (PEMFCs) have great potential as energy sources for portable,
automobile, and stationary applications. High initial cost and
degradation overtime have been among the biggest obstacles for PEMFC
commercialization. One possible area for savings is in the material
selection of gas diffusion layers (GDLs), which perform important
functions in fuel cells, such as distributing reactant gases,
transporting electrons, and removing water and heat. Carbon foam
is a promising material for application as a GDL, since it possesses a
unique combination of low fluid resistance, large surface area, high
electrical conductivity, and relatively low cost. Testing the
performance of the highly porous, reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC)
foam will demonstrate the applicability of this inexpensive material as
a GDL. Carbon foams with a range of porosities and densities will be
characterized and tested under a number of different operation
conditions, and the results will be compared with conventional GDL
materials such as carbon paper.
![]() Using Robots for Self-Generated Mobility in Infants Dave Hilgart, Zachary Schoepflin, James Galloway, Ji-Chul Ryu, and Sunil K. Agrawal Department of Mechanical Engineering Mobility is a necessary aspect
of human development. Humans require the ability to move about in
order to function and interact with their surroundings and with other
individuals. Mobility begins to develop in the early stages of
life, when toddlers begin to crawl and eventually walk. Certain
disorders and disabilities, e.g. cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and Down
syndrome, can cause children to develop atypically, hindering their
motor development. This impaired physical development can affect
social and cognitive development as well. This project aimed to
provide atypically-developing, young infants with self-generated
mobility using engineering aspects of mobile robotics. Results
suggest that both typically- and atypically-developing infants will
move independently using a mobile robot, even without any formal
training. Funding provided by the University of Delaware
Undergraduate Research Program and the National Science Foundation.
![]() Substituting Recycled Cooking Oil in an IC Engine: Feasibility Study and Thermal Control Implementation William “Jay” Kistler, Doug Brunner, Suresh Advani, and Ajay K. Prasad Center for Fuel Cell Research / Department of Mechanical Engineering The goal of this project was to
study the feasibility of substituting used cooking oil as a fuel for an
internal combustion diesel engine. The primary concern is that cooking
oil has a higher viscosity than diesel fuel. An experiment was first
conducted to find the temperature at which the viscosity of the oil
matched that of diesel fuel. Tests with used oil samples from UD
dining services and several local restaurants showed that this
temperature range was 230°C to 250ºC. The temperature
was capped at around 250°C to prevent polymerization of the oil as
it enters the engine. Several chemical methods of removing the
free fatty acids were attempted, but it was concluded that the quality
of the samples was already adequately high. After
confirming that used cooking oil could substitute for diesel after
particles were filtered out and the proper temperature was maintained,
the next task was to design a heat exchanger to heat the oil using the
engine exhaust gas. Using heat transfer principles and computer
simulations an optimum heat exchanger was designed. The final
design extracts heat from the exhaust and transfers it into a piece of
40 pores-per-inch Aluminum metal foam to heat the oil as it flows
through. The installation of this heat exchanger will enable the
IC engine to run on used cooking oil, thereby displacing diesel and
making effective use of used cooking oil.
Assistive Crawling Device for Infants with Disabilities
Sherry Liang, Stephen Dolph, Chen Xi, and Sunil K. Agrawal Department of Mechanical Engineering Many children
with special needs, such as Down
Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autism, experience self- generated
problems- such as weak musculature and poor coordination. Consequently,
and guardians tend to discourage crawling by keeping children in chairs
standing frames, primarily for safety concerns. These children spend
amounts of time to no time on the floor compared to typically
children their age. This contributes to delays in their cognitive,
perceptual, social, and emotional development that is directly
associated with
locomotion. To allow disabled children to reach childhood milestones
with their peers, a robotic device equipped with distance sensors was
for safe exploration. Infants can maneuver the robot in a prone
position through
different driving methods that utilize computer USB wireless optical
These devices will be easier to handle for infants as young as six
months as
opposed to the conventional joysticks found in power wheelchairs.
studies will determine whether infants can be trained to drive these
safely and what the effects of self-generated locomotion are on their
motor and cognitive development.
![]() Bio-Based Composite Bridges Kyle T. Macasevich, Jonathan O. Carrera, and Harry W. Shenton III Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Composites, such as fiber
reinforced plastics have taken hold of the bridge building industry as
an alternative, lightweight construction material. Currently
bridges are made of concrete, steel, and wood which can be expensive
and are less environmentally friendly. The development of a
composite material from renewable resources would tackle the issue of
environmental sustainability experienced with both conventional
building materials and new-age composites. This research is an
analysis of the viability of bio-based composites for bridge building
applications. Tests were conducted on different natural fibers
which allowed for the determination of the best fiber reinforcement for
use in the bio- composite. Sisal twine had the highest average
ultimate strength, as compared to jute twine and burlap, at 18.3
ksi. The vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) process
was used to fabricate the bio composites, made with Accrylated
Epoxidized Soybean Oil (AESO) resin, recycled paper, and sisal
twine. A 20 in x 1.75 in x 2.25 in preform beam was constructed
of 15 layers of recycled paper and two layers of ten sisal strings (avg
diameter 0.05 in) on top and bottom. Under three-point bending
over an 18 in span this beam exhibited a maximum bending strength of
1540 lbs. Testing different preform layups for strength qualities
will be necessary to fully classify this composite and determine its
viability for bridge construction.
and Characterization of Nanotube-Reinforced Adhesives for in Situ
Damage Sensing Applications
Zach R. Melrose, Limin Gao and Erik T. Thostenson Department of Mechanical Engineering It has been demonstrated that
carbon nanotubes can be utilized as sensors for detecting the onset and
accumulation of micro-scale damage in composite materials in situ.
Future naval and aviation structures require joining of complex
structural members. Research is aimed at extending the in situ sensing
approach to hybrid composite joints to enable real-time damage sensing
and health monitoring. This study focuses on processing and
characterization of carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforced adhesives for
applications in sensing of damage in adhesively-bonded joints.
Experiments have been conducted on dispersing CNTs in a
commercially-available high performance adhesive and determining the
electrical properties and shear strength. The shear strength was
determined by conducting a single lap shear test, where each specimen
is composed of two composite substrates, and the electrical properties
of the CNT are utilized to form a conductive network within the
non-conductive adhesive. This network is destroyed during the test
procedure and is witnessed in the increasing resistance of the joint
which reflects the increasing damage. Each specimen was tested in
tension until failure while simultaneous load and resistance data are
collected for CNT/adhesive specimens containing 0.5 and 1.0 wt% carbon
nanotubes. A new processing technique is currently being explored to
decrease the resistivity of the CNT/adhesive joints for enhanced
sensing response.
![]() Determining material properties of Homarus americanus exoskeleton and modeling of biomimetic laminate structures Tom Mulrooney, Liang Cheng, Anette Karlsson, and James Glancey Department of Mechanical Engineering This project is an experiment
with replicating the structure of arthropod exoskeletons, specifically
that of the Homarus americanus (American lobster). On a microscopic
level, it can be seen that the exoskeleton is composed of many layers
of unidirectional, chitin fibers. The layers are stacked in a helix
like pattern, where each layer is rotated a small degree from the
previous. This pattern can be replicated using an S2-glass
prepreg. This current research focuses on two aspects of the
project: determining the material properties of the lobster shell and
modeling the composite using finite element analysis software. To find
material properties, a three point bend test was chosen. To accommodate
the small sample size a new test setup was designed and machined. The
setup features an adjustable span length (10-40 mm at 10 mm
increments), and rounded tips at the three contact points to prevent
excessive indentation. A standard cast acrylic sample yielded accurate
results for the elastic modulus test. To simulate the composite on the
computer, ABAQUS FEA software was used. The tests were divided into
long beam and short beam. Both were modeled with SC8R continuum shell
elements. Each of these beams was dimensioned to match those that were
being manufactured and tested over at CCM. When the data was compared,
we found that the long beam simulations matched the experimental data
very well. The short beam simulations were close, but some adjustments
are being looked into to improve the accuracy.
Characterization of Echogenic Liposomes
Daniel Russakow, Amit Katiyar, and Kausik Sarkar Department of Mechanical Engineering Liposomes are spherical volumes
enclosed by a lipid bilayer, as are biological cells. They are likely
to be more readily accepted by the body, and therefore a perfect
candidate for biological applications. Echogenic liposomes are
liposomes which also strongly reflect ultrasound, and so they can be
used as contrast enhancing agents during diagnostic imaging. For
successful clinical translation, they need to be accurately tested for
their acoustic properties. This project focused on the design,
development and analysis of an experimental setup that would allow such
testing using milliliters of sample volume. After an acoustic setup was
built, a well-researched contrast agent (Definity microbubble) was
characterized using the new setup. The setup was concluded to be
sufficient for liposome testing, which will commence shortly.
Test of a Steel Slab-on-Girder Bridge
Christopher A. Russo, Michael J. Chajes, Harry W. Shenton III, Jennifer McConnell, and Kervin Machaud Department of Mechanical Engineering This poster details the results of preliminary analysis, and the future planning, of a destructive bridge test scheduled to take place in the fall of 2009. Due to realignment and road improvements of roadways on the Delaware side of the Delaware Memorial Bridge, seven bridges have been scheduled for decommission by the Delaware River and Bay Authority. The University of Delaware has been given the unique opportunity to destructively test some of these bridges before decommissioning. The purpose of conducting the destructive bridge tests is to understand the behavior of bridges right up to their failure limit. One bridge has already been tested. The next bridge scheduled for testing and demolition is Bridge 7R. This bridge is located on the off ramp where Interstate 295 South merges into US13 South. As each subsequent bridge is tested, the test methods are refined and improved so that more precise data regarding bridge behavior can be collected. Due to the open window of time given from the test of the first bridge and Bridge 7R, which is scheduled for testing in the fall of 2009, the University of Delaware has been able to create finite element models to evaluate the expected failure modes, and to determine the locations for sensors to be placed on the bridge to yield the best data set for evaluating the bridge performance. The models have also been used to evaluate the effect of skew on the ultimate capacity of bridges. The remainder of this poster will illustrate: (1) the preliminary models used and the results that they provided, (2) analysis the effects of bridge skew on ultimate capacity, and (3) a projected timeline for the test of Bridge 7R in the fall of 2009. |
![]() Ejector Design for Hydrogen Recirculation in the Fuel Cell Bus Emmanuel Ungaro, Manish Bajpai, Suresh G. Advani, and Ajay K. Prasad Center for Fuel Cell Research In a Proton Exchange Membrane
Fuel Cell (PEMFC), hydrogen and oxygen react electrochemically to
generate power with water as the byproduct. The University of
Delaware’s fuel cell hybrid bus is equipped with a 20 kW PEM fuel cell
stack to provide propulsion. The fuel cell is supplied with
hydrogen stored in roof-top tanks while the oxygen comes from the
air. The fuel cell is supplied with excess hydrogen in order to
prevent fuel starvation at the electrode and to help with water
management. Hence, the exit gas stream from the anode of the fuel
cell stack contains unused hydrogen which would be wasted if it were
simply vented to the atmosphere. In order to avoid fuel waste,
methods have been developed to recirculate the hydrogen into the
system. The current method of circulating unused fuel back
into the cell involves a pump that represents a substantial parasitic
power loss (around 200 W). This goal of this project is to design
a fuel ejector that uses less power to recirculate the unused hydrogen
back into the system. The design process involves the use of a
commercially available computational fluid dynamics package to ensure
that the flow and pressure drop within the ejector are optimized for
good performance. Subsequently, the design will be fabricated and
evaluated using a bench-top apparatus. Once the design is proven
to work reliably, it will be implemented in the bus.