Oral Presentations

Oral presentations will consist of 15 minute discussion of undergraduate students research or scholarship, followed by a 5 minute question and answer period. The presentations should focus on the motivation for the research, methods of the research, results of the research, and general conclusions. Students should prepare a PowerPoint presentation to accompany their talks. Talks should be prepared for a general audience. Therefore, discipline specific jargon should be avoided when possible and clearly defined when necessary. All oral presentation rooms will be mediated with Windows PCs. Students should arrive early to their scheduled session and bring their presentations on a usb thumb drive or CD.

Poster Presentations

Poster presentations will need to fit within a 36 inches tall and 46 inches wide poster board space (please do not exceed these dimensions as you are sharing poster board space). Posters should be designed to be a visual aid to assist the presenter in walking attendees through the research project. Large blocks of text should be avoided. Graphics, pictures, and figures should be used whenever possible. Presenters will be expected to accompany their poster during their poster session in order to discuss their research with those in attendance. A packet of push pins for poster presenters will be provided at the poster site along with a number that must be attached to the upper corner so it is easily visible. Your poster number will be included in the program booklet.

Visual/Graphic Art Exhibits

The CAA supports undergraduate scholarship that results in the creation of original artistic compositions. Institutions are welcome to submit visual/graphic art exhibits as one of their "poster" presentations. Visual/graphic art display must be able to:

  1. fit in the 36" x 46" poster board area,
  2. be able to be displayed on a standard collapsible easel, or
  3. be able to be displayed on a 2 ft x 2 ft pedestal.

Large installations or displays are discouraged due to the pragmatic constraints transporting, storing and displaying these types of exhibits. UD is not responsible for the transportation or storage of artistic displays or exhibits. Students presenting art exhibits need to describe the display requirements for their composition. Students should come to their poster session prepared to discuss the research and scholarship activities that lead to their original art display.

All presenters should work with their research mentors and/or CAA Undergraduate Research Coordinator to prepare their presentation. Presentations are expected to be of the quality of a national professional conference presentation in the students' academic discipline.