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    Energies are given in cm\(^{-1}\). See this link for conversion factors. Electric matrix elements are given in atomic units. Magnetic dipole matrix elements are given in Bohr magnetons, \(\mu_B\). The values of magnetic-dipole hyperfine constants A are listed in MHz. Dipole polarizabilities \(\alpha\) are given in atomic units, \(a_0^3\), where \(a_0\) is the Bohr radius. The atomic units for \(\alpha\) can be converted to SI units via \(\alpha /h \rm{[Hz/(V/m)^2]}\)\(=2.48832 \times 10^{-8} \alpha \) [a.u.], where the conversion coefficient is \( 4\pi \epsilon_0 a^3_0/h \) and the Planck constant \(h\) is factored out.

    Learn more about these data

    Data are taken from, “M. S. Safronova, V. A. Dzuba, V. V. Flambaum, U. I. Safronova, S. G. Porsev, and M. G. Kozlov, Phys. Rev. A 90, 052509 (2014), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.90.052509", unless noted otherwise.
    Transition types ‘M1’, ‘M2’, ’E1’, and ‘E2’ stand for magnetic dipole, magnetic quadrupole, electric dipole and electric quadrupole transition, respectively.

    State Energy
    \(\ \lambda \)
    \( \alpha \)-variation sensitivity q Enhancement factor K Lifetime
    \(\ \) \(\ \rm{cm}^{-1} \) nm \(\ \rm{cm}^{-1} \) \(\ \) s
    $$4f^2 \ ^3H_4$$ 0 0 $$ $$ $$ $$
    $$5s4f \ ^3F_2$$ 2172(850) 4604(1300) -127720 -118 $$ 5.613 \times 10^{13}$$
    $$5s4f \ ^3F_3$$ 3826(840) 2614(470) -126746 -66 8.514
    $$4f^2 \ ^3H_5$$ 4939(100) 2025(40) 4917 2 0.331
    $$5s4f \ ^3F_4$$ 8463(810) 1182(100) -121952 -29 0.556
    $$4f^2 \ ^3F_2$$ 9207(50) 1086(6) 1324 0.3 0.373
    $$4f^2 \ ^3H_6$$ 9906(210) 1010(20) 9295 1.9 0.369
    $$4f^2 \ ^3F_3$$ 12532(90) 798(6) 4954 0.8 0.328
    $$4f^2 \ ^1G_4$$ 13108(110) 763(6) 4508 0.7 0.338
    $$5s4f \ ^1F_3$$ 14337(810) 698(40) -121525 -17 0.041
    $$4f^2 \ ^3F_4$$ 19717(200) 507(5) 10045 1 0.0648

    Transition Type Transition energy
    \(\ \lambda \) Matrix element
    Transition rate
    \(\ \) \(\ \) \(\ \rm{cm}^{-1} \) nm \(\ \) \(\ \rm{s}^{-1} \)
    $$ 4f5s\ ^3F_{2} - 4f^2\ ^3H_{4} $$ M2 2172 4604 0.03516 \(\ \mu_B \) 1.782\(\ \times 10^{-14} \)
    $$ 4f5s\ ^3F_{3} -4f^2\ ^3H_{4} $$ E1 3826 2614 0.00092 a.u. 1.366\(\ \times 10^{-2} \)
    $$ 4f5s\ ^3F_{3} - 4f5s \ ^3F_{2} $$ M1 1654 6046 2.43986 \(\ \mu_B \) 1.038\(\ \times 10^{-1} \)
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3H_{5} - 4f^2\ ^3H_{4} $$ M1 4939 2025 3.19913 \(\ \mu_B \) 3.024
    $$ 4f5s\ ^3F_{4} - 4f5s \ ^3F_{3} $$ M1 4637 2157 2.45429 \(\ \mu_B \) 1.8
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3F_{2} - 4f5s \ ^3F_{3} $$ E1 5381 1858 0.00652 a.u. 2.682
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3F_{2} - 4f^2 \ ^3H_{4} $$ E2 9207 1086 0.49808 a.u. 3.676\(\ \times 10^{-4} \)
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3H_{6} - 4f^2\ ^3H_{5} $$ M1 4967 2013 3.26426 \(\ \mu_B \) 2.709
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3F_{3} - 4f5s \ ^3F_{2} $$ E1 10360 965 0.00205 a.u. 1.351
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3F_{3} - 4f5s \ ^3F_{4} $$ E1 4069 2458 0.00601 a.u. 7.041\(\ \times 10^{-1} \)
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3F_{3} - 4f^2\ ^3F_{2} $$ M1 3325 3007 2.52457 \(\ \mu_B \) 9.028\(\ \times 10^{-1} \)
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3F_{3} - 4f^2\ ^3H_{4} $$ M1 12532 798 0.10761 \(\ \mu_B \) 8.782\(\ \times 10^{-2} \)
    $$ 4f^2\ ^1G_{4} - 4f5s \ ^3F_{3} $$ E1 9282 1077 0.00373 a.u. 2.506
    $$ 4f^2\ ^1G_{4} - 4f^2\ ^3H_{5} $$ M1 8169 1224 0.52656 \(\ \mu_B \) 4.530\(\ \times 10^{-1} \)
    $$ 4f^2\ ^1G_{4} - 4f^2\ ^3F_{3} $$ M1 576 17361 1.95991 \(\ \mu_B \) 2.200\(\ \times 10^{-3} \)
    $$ 4f5s\ ^1F_{3} - 4f^2\ ^3H_{4} $$ E1 14337 698 0.00475 a.u. 1.929\(\ \times 10^{1} \)
    $$ 4f5s\ ^1F_{3} - 4f5s \ ^3F_{2} $$ M1 12165 822 0.80183 \(\ \mu_B \) 4.46
    $$ 4f5s\ ^1F_{3} - 4f5s \ ^3F_{4} $$ M1 5874 1702 0.80877 \(\ \mu_B \) 5.108\(\ \times 10^{-1} \)
    $$ 4f5s\ ^1F_{3} - 4f^2\ ^3F_{4} $$ E1 1229 8137 0.01529 a.u. 1.255 \(\ \times 10^{-1} \)
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3F_{4} - 4f5s \ ^1F_{3} $$ E1 5380 1859 0.01635 a.u. 9.374
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3F_{4} - 4f5s \ ^3F_{3} $$ E1 15891 629 0.00120 a.u. 1.309
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3F_{4} - 4f^2\ ^3H_{5} $$ M1 14778 677 0.40844 \(\ \mu_B \) 1.614
    $$ 4f^2\ ^3F_{4} - 4f^2\ ^3F_{3} $$ M1 7185 1392 1.67986 \(\ \mu_B \) 3.137