Personnel, Employment, Payroll
HR Committee Assignments List 12/16/97


Committee members are encouraged to use the larger Major Functions list to ask questions and familiarize themselves with how the software does the functions in which they are particularly interested.

Please feel free to contact the members on any investigating team to provide them more detail on areas in which you are interested. This will help them to really hone in on answers to the most important questions you have.

Members on a "team" should discuss in detail what their goals are. Be sure you understand the "wins" and what level of detail you wish to pursue in discussion with the vendor or the Universities you will be contacting. Use whatever resources you feel will get the job done: telephone, email, snail-mail, etc.

Win #1

Increase position management functionality to facilitate integration with departmental budgetary responsibilities including detailed data about positions, budgeted dollars, classification and movement by the addition of Position Control.

  • Departments can more efficiently track and manage position movement and budgets
  • Central Administration can more efficiently plan by tracking all positions and budgeted dollars
  • Departments will have more timely, less costly access to data to plan for current and future College and Unit budgets

Unique: Distribution of pay, Position control (PAYROLL/PERSONNEL #1, POSITION CONTROL)
Members: RYLEE, Bloch, Davis, Ruggerio
Schools: Cornell University; University of South Florida

Win #2

Provide an electronic system for Applicant Processing Functions such as applicant tracking, ADA reporting.

  • Provide more accessible and user friendly service to all customers by streamlining the application process
  • Departments will be better able to select the most qualified candidates, as they will be able to concentrate efforts on selection rather than forms and paper
  • Central Administration will more effectively and efficiently be able to meet the reporting demands of Controlling Agencies such as the Federal Government
  • Central Processing units will more efficiently be able to process applications, reclassifications and other employment documents by reducing people hours needed for each position

Unique: Resume, Job skills data base, Applicant Tracking, Workers compensation (EMPLOYMENT 1 -3)
Members: RUMSEY, LaPenta, Davis, Windley
Schools: University of California-Berkeley; California State University, Fresno (University of Minnesota, if needed)

Win #3

Facilitate a more user friendly environment by providing a more flexible, timely and efficient means of updating personnel records as well as providing data access and reporting capabilities to users.

  • Departments, as well as Central Administration, will be able to make better decisions by having better access to data
  • Reduce non-productive use of UD resources (time and money) in effecting personnel changes freeing resources for other uses both by Departments and Central Administration
  • Processing Units will be able to better monitor data for accuracy rather than spending untold hours processing
  • Departments will be able to use central processing offices as resources when additional time becomes available

Unique: Retro pay, Interfaces w/GL, SIS, ..., Audit, Security, Conversion (SECURITY/OTHER #1-4, PERSONNEL/PAYROLL #3)
Members: SHARKEY, Bloch, Hassler, Martin
Schools: Vanderbilt University; University of Minnesota

Win #4

Provide electronic monitoring of legal, regulatory and tax related compliance.

  • Central Administration will be better able to protect UD interests
  • Departments will be better able to more effectively monitor non-resident alien employees
  • Central Processing units will more efficiently be able to comply with regulations such as 403B, Federal Government (IRS, etc.) and other regulatory agencies

Unique: Cycles, even pays, 9 mo over 12, 403(B) compliance, Flex, Educational Benefits tracking, COBRA, FMLA, Non-resident alien issues (PAYROLL/PERSONNEL #4, BENEFITS 1-5)
Members: WALLACE, Sharkey, Adams
Schools: University of Utah; University of Wyoming

Win #5

Provide a system with employee and employment history not currently available.

  • Departments will be able to more efficiently make decisions with electronic data on position and person history that is currently only available by paper documents
  • Employees will be better served as they will be able to see their entire work history on line
  • Central administration will be better served as manual processing for central reports can be done more effectively and efficiently electronically.

Unique: Supplemental pay, terminations and re-hires (PAYROLL/PERSONNEL #2, POSITION CONTROL #3)
Members: WALKER, Bloch, Rumsey, Wallace
Schools: Santa Clara University; James Madison University

Win #6

Provide a time and attendance system to include hours worked and not worked, tenure eligibility, and sabbatical eligibility.

  • Central Administration will benefit by consistent management of data on tenure, sabbatical, contract renewal, vacation/sick time and submission of time for hourly employees
  • Department will benefit by consistent management of data on tenure, sabbatical, contract renewal, vacation/sick time and submission of time for hourly employees
  • Employees will benefit by consistent management of tenure, sabbatical, contract renewal, vacation/sick time and submission of time for hourly employees

Unique: Biweekly versus semi-monthly, benefits (including part time) (PAYROLL/PERSONNEL #5)
Members: HUBER, Ruggerio, Quirico, Walker
Schools: California State University, Northridge; College of Lake County; Southern Methodist University