Guide to Information Contained in
"Career Plans Survey"

Within each college there are three possible reports available:

Report 1. Individual data for each survey respondent by major and degree received: gender, residence status, employment status, job title, name of employer, location of job (city and state), name of graduate or professional school, and type of degree planned.
Report 2. Individual data for each survey respondent attending graduate or professional school full-time by major and degree received: gender, residence status, name of graduate/professional school, graduate/professional school major, and type of degree planned.
Report 3. Summary counts and aggregate salary information for survey respondents by major and degree received: total number of graduates, number of survey respondents, number with full-time jobs, number still seeking jobs, number attending graduate or professional schools, and salary information. Salary information reflects full-time employment only.

Note: The first two columns of each report indicates each major and degree combination (sorted alphabetically). Majors are followed by the degree awarded (e.g., Animal Science - B.S. - Agriculture; Animal Science, Master of Science; Animal Science, Doctor of Philosophy, etc.).

An example of the Post-Graduation Activities Survey is available. References to questions on this survey are hyper-linked to the corresponding question on the survey.

Detail description of report layout.

Report 1. Individual Student Information & Post-Graduation Activities

Column 3 GENDER of each individual.
Column 4 RESIDENCE - Residence status; R = Delaware resident; N = Nonresident.
Column 5 EMPLOY STATUS - partially decodes the employment status options (1 thru 6) listed for Question A on the survey; e.g., FT = "I hold or have accepted a full-time job."
Column 6 JOB TITLE - reproduces what the respondent wrote in Question C for job title.
Column 7 EMPLOYER - reproduces what the respondent wrote in Question C for name of employer.
Column 8 CITY - refers to the city of employment wrote in Question C .
Column 9 STATE - refers to the state of employment wrote in Question C .
Column 10 GRAD/ PROF SCHOOL - reproduces the name of graduate/professional school provided by the respondent in Question D.
Column 11 DEGREE - refers to type of degree planned, obtained from Question D.

Report 2. Respondents Attending Graduate/Professional School Full-Time

Column 3 GENDER of each individual.
Column 4 RES STATUS- Residence status (same as above).
Column 5 GRAD/PROF SCHOOL - reproduces what the respondent provided in Question D for graduate school name.
Column 6 GRAD/PROF SCHOOL MAJOR - indicates the major field of study in graduate or professional school reported by the respondent in Question D .
Column 7 DEGREE - refers to type of degree planned, obtained from Question D .

Report 3. Summary Counts & Aggregate Salary Information

Counts of all graduates and respondents within each major/degree combination. Column headings are self-explanatory. Salary means, minimums, and maximums are calculated for those respondents reporting salary information of the job accepted. Only salaries for full-time employment are included in summary.

If there are any questions about the definitions in this report, please contact Allison Walters at or (302) 831-2021.

  • UD Office of Institutional Research  •   325 Hullihen Hall  •   Newark, DE 19716  •   USA
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