Within each college there are three possible reports available:
Report 1. | Individual data for each survey respondent by major and degree received: gender, residence status, employment status, job title, name of employer, location of job (city and state), name of graduate or professional school, and type of degree planned. |
Report 2. | Individual data for each survey respondent attending graduate or professional school full-time by major and degree received: gender, residence status, name of graduate/professional school, graduate/professional school major, and type of degree planned. |
Report 3. | Summary counts and aggregate salary information for survey respondents by major and degree received: total number of graduates, number of survey respondents, number with full-time jobs, number still seeking jobs, number attending graduate or professional schools, and salary information. Salary information reflects full-time employment only. |
Note: The first two columns of each report indicates each major and degree combination (sorted alphabetically). Majors are followed by the degree awarded (e.g., Animal Science - B.S. - Agriculture; Animal Science, Master of Science; Animal Science, Doctor of Philosophy, etc.).
An example of the Post-Graduation Activities Survey is available. References to questions on this survey are hyper-linked to the corresponding question on the survey.
Column 3 | GENDER of each individual. |
Column 4 | RESIDENCE - Residence status; R = Delaware resident; N = Nonresident. |
Column 5 | EMPLOY STATUS - partially decodes the employment status options (1 thru 6) listed for Question A on the survey; e.g., FT = "I hold or have accepted a full-time job." |
Column 6 | JOB TITLE - reproduces what the respondent wrote in Question C for job title. |
Column 7 | EMPLOYER - reproduces what the respondent wrote in Question C for name of employer. |
Column 8 | CITY - refers to the city of employment wrote in Question C . |
Column 9 | STATE - refers to the state of employment wrote in Question C . |
Column 10 | GRAD/ PROF SCHOOL - reproduces the name of graduate/professional school provided by the respondent in Question D. |
Column 11 | DEGREE - refers to type of degree planned, obtained from Question D. |
Column 3 | GENDER of each individual. |
Column 4 | RES STATUS- Residence status (same as above). |
Column 5 | GRAD/PROF SCHOOL - reproduces what the respondent provided in Question D for graduate school name. |
Column 6 | GRAD/PROF SCHOOL MAJOR - indicates the major field of study in graduate or professional school reported by the respondent in Question D . |
Column 7 | DEGREE - refers to type of degree planned, obtained from Question D . |
Counts of all graduates and respondents within each major/degree combination. Column headings are self-explanatory. Salary means, minimums, and maximums are calculated for those respondents reporting salary information of the job accepted. Only salaries for full-time employment are included in summary. |
If there are any questions about the definitions in this report, please
contact Allison Walters at awalters@udel.edu
or (302) 831-2021.