[PDF Help] [PDF Version]PDF version of survey card administered at the College of Engineering Convocation

2010 Post-Graduation

Activities Survey

The University is seeking information about your post-graduation plans. This information assists several offices in planning programs and services. All responses are confidential. Please complete the survey and return it with your name card or leave it on your seat.

Name: ______________________________________

UD ID: _________________

  1. Male
  1. Female
Residence Status While at UD:
  1. Resident
  1. Non Resident
Student Status:
  1. Undergraduate
  1. Graduate
Degree Date:
  1. Fall
  2. Winter
  1. Spring
  2. Summer

Degree(s) Received: ________________________________

Major: ___________________________________________

  1. Please circle the one item below which best describes your employment status upon graduation:

    1. I hold or have accepted a full-time job.
    2. I hold or have accepted a part-time job.
    3. I am in or about to enter the military.
    4. I am not seeking a job, because I am pursuing my education.
    5. I am not pursuing a job at this time.
    6. I am actively seeking employment at this time.

  2. Please circle all of the Career Services Center's services you utilized as a student:
1. Career Services Web site
6. IM, Facebook, e-mail communication
2. Career workshop/program
7. Campus interview program
3. Career library
8. Blue Hen Jobs database
4. Individual career appointment
9. Job or career fairs
5. Internship, part-time or summer job database
10. Other, please specify: _____________


Do you desire further assistance/career counseling from the Career Services Center?

  • 1. Yes
    2. No

    If yes, please provide your post-graduation contact information:


    Street Address
    Apartment # / P.O. Box




    E-mail Address


    C. If you are employed or have accepted employment, please complete the following:

    Job Title: ____________________________________________

    Employer: ___________________________________________

    City: ______________________ State: ____________________

    Salary: (Confidential) $________________________


  • Was a signing bonus offered? 1. Yes 2. No
    Amount: $_____________

    How did you obtain this position?

    1. Internship/Co-op
    2. Part-time/Summer employee
    3. Campus interview program
    4. UD job fair
    5. Other job fair
    6. Job listed in Blue Hen Jobs
    1. Resume referral from CSC
    2. Faculty referral
    3. Parents/friends referral
    4. Internet site
    5. Own research
    6. Other, please specify: ____________________

    D. If you plan to attend graduate school next year, please complete the following:

    Name of Graduate School: ______________________________

    Academic Discipline: _________________________________

  • Type of Degree:
    1. Master's
    2. Doctorate
    1. Professional
    2. Non-Degree Certificate Program
    E. How would you rate your overall educational experience at the University of Delaware?
    1. Excellent
    2. Good
    1. Fair
    2. Poor

    Thank you for participating!

    • UD Office of Institutional Research  •   325 Hullihen Hall  •   Newark, DE 19716  •   USA
      Phone: 302-831-2021  •   E-mail: irp@udel.edu  •  © 2012