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FY 06 Through FY 10
(Thousands of Dollars)

  FY 06
FY 07
FY 08
FY 09
FY 10
Net assets at beginning of year 1,665,416 1,830,179 2,000,209 1,934,074 1,614,737
Change in net assets:
Operating transfers 13,507 14,414 18,797 27,601 41,565
Nonoperating activities:
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) 130,388 174,134 (89,844) (328,939) 73,311
Contributions for endowment and buildings 28,606 14,434 8,985 8,308 22,107
State capital appropriations 7,000 4,600 3,500 -- 900
Net change in asset retirement obligation liability -- (3,093) (2,972) (1,256) 606
Effect of change in adoption of SFAS No. 158 -- (30,398) -- -- --
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle (4,440) -- -- -- --
Net endowment income and other (10,298) (4,061) (4,601) (25,051) (33,586)
Total nonoperating activities 151,256 155,616 (84,932) (346,938) 63,338
Net assets at end of year 1,830,179 2,000,209 1,934,074 1,614,737 1,719,640
Percent change from prior year 10% 9% -3% -17% 6%
Net assets:
Unrestricted 1,420,511 1,541,474 1,031,166 910,676 958,025
Temporarily restricted 122,034 152,997 593,322 410,205 454,692
Permanently restricted 287,634 305,738 309,586 293,856 306,923
Total net assets 1,830,179 2,000,209 1,934,074 1,614,737 1,719,640
Endowment and funds invested as endowment:
Market value 1,223,200 1,397,500 1,340,100 1,008,400 1,091,700
Percent change from prior year 14% 14% -4% -25% 8%


Source: Assistant Vice President, University Finance

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