Interactive Media Minor



Degree Requirements

Application Process


Quick Links

Department of Communication

Department of Computer &
Information Science

Department of English

Department of Fine Art &
Visual Communications

Visual Communications

College of Arts & Science


The Minor in Interactive Media is championed by the Dean of the College of Arts & Science and four contributing core departments: Fine Arts & Visual Communications, Communication, Computer and Information Science, and English.

Core faculty

The Interactive Media Group will be made up of the coordinator and one faculty advisor from each of the four contributing departments (Communication, Computer Science, English, and Fine Arts & Visual Communications).


Ray Nichols - Department of Fine Arts & Visual Communications - email

Contributing faculty

Xiao Mei Cai - Department of Communication - email

Phill Conrad - Department of Computer & Information Science - email

Hendrik-Jan Francke - Department of Fine Arts & Visual Communications - email

Becky Worley - Department of English - email




Why is this site so gray? The site you are currently viewing is called a 'wireframe' and is not a finished design. A wireframe is used by web development teams to coordinate with their clients the organization of all information to be presented on the final web site. The design is deliberately neutral to highlight the organization of the information. A designed version of the site will be developed over the spring semester of 2005.