3.4.1 HTML Elements
superclass: object% |
Returns a string containing all the HTML between the pair of tags represented by the element.
Returns a string containing just the text between the pair of tags represented by the element. Any nested HTML tags are not contained in the returned string.
(send a-mx-element insert-html html) → void?
html : string?
Places the HTML given by the string html before the element.
(send a-mx-element append-html html) → void?
html : string?
Places the HTML given by the string html after the element.
(send a-mx-element replace-html html) → void?
html : string?
Replaces the HTML in the element with the string html. You must use the find-element or find-element-by-id-or-name methods of mx-document<%> to retrieve the updated element.
(send a-mx-element insert-text txt) → void?
txt : string?
Places the text given by the string txt before the HTML element.
(send a-mx-element append-text txt) → void?
txt : string?
Places the text given by the string txt after the HTML element.
(send a-mx-element insert-object-from-coclass
coclass : string?
width : exact-integer?
height : exact-integer?
size : (one-of/c 'pixels 'percent) = 'pixels
Composes coclass->html with insert-html.
(send a-mx-element insert-object-from-progid
coclass : string?
width : exact-integer?
height : exact-integer?
size : (one-of/c 'pixels 'percent) = 'pixels
Composes progid->html with insert-html.
(send a-mx-element append-object-from-coclass
coclass : string?
width : exact-integer?
height : exact-integer?
size : (one-of/c 'pixels 'percent) = 'pixels
Composes coclass->html with append-html.
(send a-mx-element append-object-from-progid
coclass : string?
width : exact-integer?
height : exact-integer?
size : (one-of/c 'pixels 'percent) = 'pixels
Composes progid->html with append-html.
Sets the focus to the element. This method works only with Internet Explorer 5 and later.
If the element has the "select" tag, returns a string indicating the value of the current selection. Otherwise, an exception s raised. The value of the selection may be different from the string visible in the dropdown list.
(send a-mx-element set-selection! val) → void?
val : string?
If the element has the "select" tag, sets the selection to the entry with the value val, a string. Otherwise, an exception is raised. The value of the selection may be different from the string visible in the dropdown list.
attr : string?
Retrieves the attribute named by the string attr. The return value has a type that depends on the attribute.
(send a-mx-element set-attribute! attr val) → void?
attr : string?
Sets the attribute named by the string attr. The new value val has a type that depends on the attribute.
Simulates a mouse click on the element.
Retrieves the element’s HTML tag.
(send a-mx-element font-family) → (listof string?)
(send a-mx-element font-family-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-font-family! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-font-family-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS font-family for the element.
(send a-mx-element font-style)
→ (one-of/c 'normal 'italic 'oblique)
(send a-mx-element font-style-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-font-style! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'normal 'italic 'oblique)
(send a-mx-element set-font-style-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS font-style for the element.
(send a-mx-element font-variant)
→ (one-of/c 'normal 'small-caps)
(send a-mx-element font-variant-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-font-variant! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'normal 'small-caps)
(send a-mx-element set-font-variant-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS font-variant for the element.
(send a-mx-element font-weight)
(one-of/c 'normal 'bold 'bolder 'lighter
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900)
(send a-mx-element font-weight-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-font-weight! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'normal 'bold 'bolder 'lighter
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900)
(send a-mx-element set-font-weight-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS font-weight for the element.
(send a-mx-element font-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-size-native! fs) → void?
fs : string?
Retrieves or sets a string that encodes the CSS font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size, line-height, and font-family using the format
[〈font-style〉 | 〈font-variant〉 | 〈font-weight〉] 〈font-size〉 [〈line-height〉] 〈font-family〉
'xx-small 'x-small 'small 'medium 'large 'x-large 'xx-large
'larger 'smaller)
(send a-mx-element font-size-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-font-size! v) → void?
'xx-small 'x-small 'small 'medium 'large 'x-large 'xx-large
'larger 'smaller)
(send a-mx-element set-font-size-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS font-size for the element.
(send a-mx-element background-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-background-native! b) → void?
b : string
Gets or sets the element’s CSS background-color, background-image, background-repeat, background-attachment, and background-position using the string b.
(send a-mx-element background-image)
(send a-mx-element background-image-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-background-image! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-background-image-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS background-image for the element.
(send a-mx-element background-repeat)
→ (one-of/c 'no-repeat 'repeat 'repeat-x 'repeat-y)
(send a-mx-element background-repeat-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-background-repeat! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'no-repeat 'repeat 'repeat-x 'repeat-y)
(send a-mx-element set-background-repeat-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS background-repeat for the element.
(send a-mx-element background-position)
(one-of/c 'left 'center 'right)
(one-of/c 'left 'center 'right))
(one-of/c 'left 'center 'right))))
(send a-mx-element background-position-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-background-position! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'left 'center 'right)
(one-of/c 'left 'center 'right))
(one-of/c 'left 'center 'right))))
(send a-mx-element set-background-position-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS background-position for the element.
(send a-mx-element text-decoration)
→ (listof (one-of/c 'none 'underline 'overline 'line-through 'blink))
(send a-mx-element text-decoration-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-text-decoration! v) → void?
v : (listof (one-of/c 'none 'underline 'overline 'line-through 'blink))
(send a-mx-element set-text-decoration-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS text-decoration for the element.
(send a-mx-element text-transform)
→ (one-of/c 'none 'capitalize 'uppercase 'lowercase)
(send a-mx-element text-transform-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-text-transform! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'none 'capitalize 'uppercase 'lowercase)
(send a-mx-element set-text-transform-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS text-transform for the element.
(send a-mx-element text-align)
→ (one-of/c 'left 'right 'center 'justify)
(send a-mx-element text-align-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-text-align! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'left 'right 'center 'justify)
(send a-mx-element set-text-align-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS text-align for the element.
(send a-mx-element margin-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-margin! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-margin-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS margin for the element.
A list representation contains one to four elements. A single element applies to all sides; two elements are top–bottom and left–right, respectively; four elements are top, left, bottom, and right, respectively.
→ (listof (or/c css-length? css-percentage?))
(send a-mx-element padding-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-padding! v) → void?
v : (listof (or/c css-length? css-percentage?))
(send a-mx-element set-padding-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS padding for the element.
The list contains one to four elements, which apply to sides as for margin.
(listof (or/c (or/c (one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick) css-length?)
(one-of/c 'none 'dotted 'dashed 'solid 'double
'groove 'ridge 'inset 'outset)
(send a-mx-element border-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border! v) → void?
(listof (or/c (or/c (one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick) css-length?)
(one-of/c 'none 'dotted 'dashed 'solid 'double
'groove 'ridge 'inset 'outset)
(send a-mx-element set-border-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border for the element.
Each element of the list describes a width, style, or color. A color is a symbol indicating a color or an RGB string.
(send a-mx-element border-top) → ....
(send a-mx-element border-top-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-top! v) → void?
v : ....
(send a-mx-element set-border-top-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-top for the element.
The non-string repersentation is the same as for border.
(send a-mx-element border-bottom) → ....
(send a-mx-element border-bottom-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-bottom! v) → void?
v : ....
(send a-mx-element set-border-bottom-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-bottom for the element.
The non-string repersentation is the same as for border.
(send a-mx-element border-left) → ....
(send a-mx-element border-left-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-left! v) → void?
v : ....
(send a-mx-element set-border-left-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-left for the element.
The non-string repersentation is the same as for border.
(send a-mx-element border-right) → ....
(send a-mx-element border-right-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-right! v) → void?
v : ....
(send a-mx-element set-border-right-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-right for the element.
The non-string repersentation is the same as for border.
(send a-mx-element border-color)
(send a-mx-element border-color-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-color! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-border-color-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-color for the element.
The list contains one to four elements, with side assignments as for margin.
(send a-mx-element border-width)
(one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick)))
(send a-mx-element border-width-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-width! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick)))
(send a-mx-element set-border-width-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-width for the element.
The list contains one to four elements, with side assignments as for margin.
(send a-mx-element border-style)
(one-of/c 'none 'dotted 'dashed 'solid 'double
'groove 'ridge 'inset 'outset)
(send a-mx-element border-style-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-style! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'none 'dotted 'dashed 'solid 'double
'groove 'ridge 'inset 'outset)
(send a-mx-element set-border-style-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-style for the element.
(send a-mx-element border-top-style) → ....
(send a-mx-element border-top-style-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-top-style! v) → void?
v : ....
(send a-mx-element set-border-top-style-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-top-style for the element.
The non-string repersentation is the same as for border-style.
(send a-mx-element border-bottom-style) → ....
(send a-mx-element border-bottom-style-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-bottom-style! v) → void?
v : ....
(send a-mx-element set-border-bottom-style-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-bottom-style for the element.
The non-string repersentation is the same as for border-style.
(send a-mx-element border-left-style) → ....
(send a-mx-element border-left-style-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-left-style! v) → void?
v : ....
(send a-mx-element set-border-left-style-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-left-style for the element.
The non-string repersentation is the same as for border-style.
(send a-mx-element border-right-style) → ....
(send a-mx-element border-right-style-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-right-style! v) → void?
v : ....
(send a-mx-element set-border-right-style-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-right-style for the element.
The non-string repersentation is the same as for border-style.
(send a-mx-element style-float)
→ (one-of/c 'none 'left 'right)
(send a-mx-element style-float-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-style-float! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'none 'left 'right)
(send a-mx-element set-style-float-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS style-float for the element.
→ (one-of/c 'none 'left 'right 'both)
(send a-mx-element clear-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-clear! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'none 'left 'right 'both)
(send a-mx-element set-clear-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS clear for the element.
(one-of/c 'block 'none 'inline 'list-item
'table-header-group 'table-footer-group)
(send a-mx-element display-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-display! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'block 'none 'inline 'list-item
'table-header-group 'table-footer-group)
(send a-mx-element set-display-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS display for the element.
(send a-mx-element visibility)
→ (one-of/c 'inherit 'visible 'hidden)
(send a-mx-element visibility-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-visibility! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'inherit 'visible 'hidden)
(send a-mx-element set-visibility-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS visibility for the element.
(send a-mx-element list-style-type)
(one-of/c 'disc 'circle 'square 'decimal
'lower-roman 'upper-roman
'lower-alpha 'upper-alpha 'none)
(send a-mx-element list-style-type-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-list-style-type! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'disc 'circle 'square 'decimal
'lower-roman 'upper-roman
'lower-alpha 'upper-alpha 'none)
(send a-mx-element set-list-style-type-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS list-style-type for the element.
(send a-mx-element list-style-position)
→ (one-of/c 'outside 'inside)
(send a-mx-element list-style-position-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-list-style-position! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'outside 'inside)
(send a-mx-element set-list-style-position-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS list-style-position for the element.
(send a-mx-element list-style-image)
(lambda (s)
(regexp-match? #rx"^(none|url[(].*[)])$" s)))
(send a-mx-element list-style-image-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-list-style-image! v) → void?
(lambda (s)
(regexp-match? #rx"^(none|url[(].*[)])$" s)))
(send a-mx-element set-list-style-image-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS list-style-image for the element.
(send a-mx-element list-style) → list?
(send a-mx-element list-style-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-list-style! v) → void?
v : list?
(send a-mx-element set-list-style-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS list-style for the element.
A list representation contains one to three elements, which have the same representations as for list-style-type, list-style-position, and list-style-image. The values may appear in any order.
→ (one-of/c 'absolute 'relative 'static)
(send a-mx-element position-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-position! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'absolute 'relative 'static)
(send a-mx-element set-position-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS position for the element.
→ (one-of/c 'visible 'scroll 'hidden 'auto)
(send a-mx-element overflow-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-overflow! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'visible 'scroll 'hidden 'auto)
(send a-mx-element set-overflow-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS overflow for the element.
(send a-mx-element pagebreak-before)
→ (one-of/c 'always 'auto 'none)
(send a-mx-element pagebreak-before-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-pagebreak-before! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'always 'auto 'none)
(send a-mx-element set-pagebreak-before-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS pagebreak-before for the element.
(send a-mx-element pagebreak-after)
→ (one-of/c 'always 'auto 'none)
(send a-mx-element pagebreak-after-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-pagebreak-after! v) → void?
v : (one-of/c 'always 'auto 'none)
(send a-mx-element set-pagebreak-after-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS pagebreak-after for the element.
(send a-mx-element css-text-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-css-text-native! txt) → void?
txt : string?
Retrieves or sets a string describing the CSS text for the element.
(one-of/c 'auto 'crosshair 'default
'hand 'move 'n-resize 'ne-resize 'nw-resize 's-resize
'se-resize 'sw-resize 'e-resize 'w-resize 'text 'wait
(send a-mx-element cursor-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-cursor! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'auto 'crosshair 'default
'hand 'move 'n-resize 'ne-resize 'nw-resize 's-resize
'se-resize 'sw-resize 'e-resize 'w-resize 'text 'wait
(send a-mx-element set-cursor-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS cursor for the element.
(send a-mx-element clip-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-clip-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS clip for the element.
(send a-mx-element filter-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-filter! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-filter-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS filter for the element.
For a filter value that combines a symbol with a list, the symbol is a filter name, and the list maps symbol option names to values. The table below shows the possible options and value types for each possible filter name.
(integer-in 0 100)
(integer-in 0 100)
(one-of/c 'uniform
(one-of/c 'stopped
(one-of/c 0 45 90
135 180
225 270
(integer-in 1 100)
(integer-in 1 100)
(one-of/c 'stopped
(one-of/c 0 45 90
135 180
225 270
(integer-in 1 100)
(send a-mx-element style-string) → string?
Retrieves a string describing the complete CSS description for the element.
(send a-mx-element text-decoration-none) → boolean?
(send a-mx-element set-text-decoration-none! v) → void?
v : any/c
Retrieves or sets the CSS text-decoration-none for the element.
(send a-mx-element text-decoration-underline) → boolean?
(send a-mx-element set-text-decoration-underline! v) → void?
v : any/c
Retrieves or sets the CSS text-decoration-underline for the element.
(send a-mx-element text-decoration-overline) → boolean?
(send a-mx-element set-text-decoration-overline! v) → void?
v : any/c
Retrieves or sets the CSS text-decoration-overline for the element.
(send a-mx-element text-decoration-linethrough) → boolean?
(send a-mx-element set-text-decoration-linethrough! v) → void?
v : any/c
Retrieves or sets the CSS text-decoration-linethrough for the element.
(send a-mx-element text-decoration-blink) → boolean?
(send a-mx-element set-text-decoration-blink! v) → void?
v : any/c
Retrieves or sets the CSS text-decoration-blink for the element.
(send a-mx-element pixel-top) → exact-integer?
(send a-mx-element set-pixel-top! v) → void?
v : exact-integer?
Retrieves or sets the CSS pixel-top for the element.
(send a-mx-element pixel-left) → exact-integer?
(send a-mx-element set-pixel-left! v) → void?
v : exact-integer?
Retrieves or sets the CSS pixel-left for the element.
(send a-mx-element pixel-width) → exact-integer?
(send a-mx-element set-pixel-width! v) → void?
v : exact-integer?
Retrieves or sets the CSS pixel-width for the element.
(send a-mx-element pixel-height) → exact-integer?
(send a-mx-element set-pixel-height! v) → void?
v : exact-integer?
Retrieves or sets the CSS pixel-height for the element.
(send a-mx-element set-pos-top! v) → void?
v : real?
Retrieves or sets the CSS pos-top for the element.
(send a-mx-element set-pos-left! v) → void?
v : real?
Retrieves or sets the CSS pos-left for the element.
(send a-mx-element set-pos-width! v) → void?
v : real?
Retrieves or sets the CSS pos-width for the element.
(send a-mx-element pos-height) → real?
(send a-mx-element set-pos-height! v) → void?
v : real?
Retrieves or sets the CSS pos-height for the element.
(send a-mx-element color-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-color! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-color-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS color for the element.
(send a-mx-element background-color) → (or/c symbol? string?)
(send a-mx-element background-color-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-background-color! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-background-color-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS background-color for the element.
(send a-mx-element background-position-x)
(one-of/c 'left 'center 'right))
(send a-mx-element background-position-x-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-background-position-x! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'left 'center 'right))
(send a-mx-element set-background-position-x-native! str)
→ void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS background-position-x for the element.
(send a-mx-element background-position-y)
(one-of/c 'left 'center 'right))
(send a-mx-element background-position-y-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-background-position-y! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'left 'center 'right))
(send a-mx-element set-background-position-y-native! str)
→ void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS background-position-y for the element.
(send a-mx-element letter-spacing)
→ (or/c css-length? (one-of/c 'normal))
(send a-mx-element letter-spacing-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-letter-spacing! v) → void?
v : (or/c css-length? (one-of/c 'normal))
(send a-mx-element set-letter-spacing-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS letter-spacing for the element.
(send a-mx-element vertical-align)
(one-of/c 'baseline 'sub 'super 'top 'middle
'bottom 'text-top 'text-bottom)
(send a-mx-element vertical-align-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-vertical-align! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'baseline 'sub 'super 'top 'middle
'bottom 'text-top 'text-bottom)
(send a-mx-element set-vertical-align-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS vertical-align for the element.
(send a-mx-element text-indent)
(send a-mx-element text-indent-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-text-indent! v) → void?
v : (or/c css-length? css-percentage?)
(send a-mx-element set-text-indent-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS text-indent for the element.
(send a-mx-element line-height)
(one-of/c 'normal))
(send a-mx-element line-height-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-line-height! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'normal))
(send a-mx-element set-line-height-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS line-height for the element.
(send a-mx-element margin-top)
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element margin-top-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-margin-top! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element set-margin-top-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS margin-top for the element.
(send a-mx-element margin-bottom)
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element margin-bottom-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-margin-bottom! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element set-margin-bottom-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS margin-bottom for the element.
(send a-mx-element margin-left)
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element margin-left-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-margin-left! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element set-margin-left-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS margin-left for the element.
(send a-mx-element margin-right)
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element margin-right-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-margin-right! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element set-margin-right-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS margin-right for the element.
(send a-mx-element padding-top)
(send a-mx-element padding-top-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-padding-top! v) → void?
v : (or/c css-length? css-percentage?)
(send a-mx-element set-padding-top-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS padding-top for the element.
(send a-mx-element padding-bottom)
(send a-mx-element padding-bottom-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-padding-bottom! v) → void?
v : (or/c css-length? css-percentage?)
(send a-mx-element set-padding-bottom-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS padding-bottom for the element.
(send a-mx-element padding-left)
(send a-mx-element padding-left-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-padding-left! v) → void?
v : (or/c css-length? css-percentage?)
(send a-mx-element set-padding-left-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS padding-left for the element.
(send a-mx-element padding-right)
(send a-mx-element padding-right-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-padding-right! v) → void?
v : (or/c css-length? css-percentage?)
(send a-mx-element set-padding-right-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS padding-right for the element.
(send a-mx-element border-top-color) → (or/c symbol? string?)
(send a-mx-element border-top-color-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-top-color! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-border-top-color-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-top-color for the element.
(send a-mx-element border-bottom-color)
(send a-mx-element border-bottom-color-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-bottom-color! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-border-bottom-color-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-bottom-color for the element.
(send a-mx-element border-left-color) → (or/c symbol? string?)
(send a-mx-element border-left-color-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-left-color! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-border-left-color-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-left-color for the element.
(send a-mx-element border-right-color)
(send a-mx-element border-right-color-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-right-color! v) → void?
(send a-mx-element set-border-right-color-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-right-color for the element.
(send a-mx-element border-top-width)
(one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick))
(send a-mx-element border-top-width-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-top-width! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick))
(send a-mx-element set-border-top-width-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-top-width for the element.
(send a-mx-element border-bottom-width)
(one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick))
(send a-mx-element border-bottom-width-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-bottom-width! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick))
(send a-mx-element set-border-bottom-width-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-bottom-width for the element.
(send a-mx-element border-left-width)
(one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick))
(send a-mx-element border-left-width-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-left-width! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick))
(send a-mx-element set-border-left-width-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-left-width for the element.
(send a-mx-element border-right-width)
(one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick))
(send a-mx-element border-right-width-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-border-right-width! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'medium 'thin 'thick))
(send a-mx-element set-border-right-width-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS border-right-width for the element.
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element width-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-width! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element set-width-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS width for the element.
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element height-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-height! v) → void?
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element set-height-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS height for the element.
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element top-native) → string?
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element set-top-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS top for the element.
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element left-native) → string?
(one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element set-left-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS left for the element.
→ (or/c exact-integer? (one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element z-index-native) → string?
(send a-mx-element set-z-index! v) → void?
v : (or/c exact-integer? (one-of/c 'auto))
(send a-mx-element set-z-index-native! str) → void?
str : string?
Retrieves or sets a value describing the CSS z-index for the element.