1 Overview
2 Reference
Windowing Classes
Windowing Functions
Drawing Classes
Drawing Functions
Editor Classes
Editor Functions
WXME Decoding
3 Configuration
4 Dynamic Loading
On this page:

Inherited methods:

from event%



Version: 4.0.2


mouse-event% : class?

  superclass: event%

A mouse-event% object encapsulates a mouse event. Mouse events are primarily processed by on-subwindow-event in window<%> and on-event in canvas<%>.

See also Mouse and Keyboard Events.

(new mouse-event%


[event-type event-type]




[left-down left-down]




[middle-down middle-down]




[right-down right-down]




[x x]




[y y]




[shift-down shift-down]




[control-down control-down]




[meta-down meta-down]




[alt-down alt-down]




[time-stamp time-stamp]




[caps-down caps-down]])


  (is-a?/c mouse-event%)






(one-of/c 'enter 'leave 'left-down 'left-up

          'middle-down 'middle-up

          'right-down 'right-up 'motion)

  left-down : any/c = #f

  middle-down : any/c = #f

  right-down : any/c = #f

  x : (and/c exact? integer?) = 0

  y : (and/c exact? integer?) = 0

  shift-down : any/c = #f

  control-down : any/c = #f

  meta-down : any/c = #f

  alt-down : any/c = #f

  time-stamp : (and/c exact? integer?) = 0

  caps-down : any/c = #f

Creates a mouse event for a particular type of event. The event types are:

See the corresponding get- and set- methods for information about left-down, middle-down, right-down, x, y, shift-down, control-down, meta-down, alt-down, time-stamp, and caps-down.

(send a-mouse-event button-changed? [button])  boolean?

  button : (one-of/c 'left 'middle 'right 'any) = 'any

Returns #t if this was a mouse button press or release event, #f otherwise. See also button-up? and button-down?.

If button is not 'any, then #t is only returned if it is a release event for a specific button.

(send a-mouse-event button-down? [button])  boolean?

  button : (one-of/c 'left 'middle 'right 'any) = 'any

Returns #t if the event is for a button press, #f otherwise.

If button is not 'any, then #t is only returned if it is a press event for a specific button.

(send a-mouse-event button-up? [button])  boolean?

  button : (one-of/c 'left 'middle 'right 'any) = 'any

Returns #t if the event is for a button release, #f otherwise. (As noted in Mouse and Keyboard Events, button release events are sometimes dropped.)

If button is not 'any, then #t is only returned if it is a release event for a specific button.

(send a-mouse-event dragging?)  boolean?

Returns #t if this was a dragging event (motion while a button is pressed), #f otherwise.

(send a-mouse-event entering?)  boolean?

Returns #t if this event is for the mouse entering a window, #f otherwise.

When the mouse button is up, an enter/leave event notifies a window that it will start/stop receiving mouse events. When the mouse button is down, however, the window receiving the mouse-down event receives all mouse events until the button is released; enter/leave events are not sent to other windows, and are not reliably delivered to the click-handling window (since the window can detect movement out of its region via get-x and get-y). See also Mouse and Keyboard Events.

(send a-mouse-event get-alt-down)  boolean?

Returns #t if the Option (Mac OS X) key was down for the event. When the Alt key is pressed in Windows, it is reported as a Meta press (see get-meta-down).

(send a-mouse-event get-caps-down)  boolean?

Returns #t if the Caps Lock key was on for the event.

(send a-mouse-event get-control-down)  boolean?

Returns #t if the Control key was down for the event.

Under Mac OS X, if a control-key press is combined with a mouse button click, the event is reported as a right-button click and get-control-down for the event reports #f.

(send a-mouse-event get-event-type)



(one-of/c 'enter 'leave 'left-down 'left-up

          'middle-down 'middle-up

          'right-down 'right-up 'motion)

Returns the type of the event; see mouse-event% for information about each event type. See also set-event-type .

(send a-mouse-event get-left-down)  boolean?

Returns #t if the left mouse button was down (but not pressed) during the event.

(send a-mouse-event get-meta-down)  boolean?

Returns #t if the Meta (X), Alt (Windows), or Command (Mac OS X) key was down for the event.

(send a-mouse-event get-middle-down)  boolean?

Returns #t if the middle mouse button was down (but not pressed) for the event. Under Mac OS X, a middle-button click is impossible.

(send a-mouse-event get-right-down)  boolean?

Returns #t if the right mouse button was down (but not pressed) for the event. Under Mac OS X, a control-click combination is treated as a right-button click.

(send a-mouse-event get-shift-down)  boolean?

Returns #t if the Shift key was down for the event.

(send a-mouse-event get-x)  (and/c exact? integer?)

Returns the x-position of the mouse at the time of the event, in the target’s window’s (client-area) coordinate system.

(send a-mouse-event get-y)  (and/c exact? integer?)

Returns the y-position of the mouse at the time of the event in the target’s window’s (client-area) coordinate system.

(send a-mouse-event leaving?)  boolean?

Returns #t if this event is for the mouse leaving a window, #f otherwise.

See entering? for information about enter and leave events while the mouse button is clicked.

(send a-mouse-event moving?)  boolean?

Returns #t if this was a moving event (whether a button is pressed is not), #f otherwise.

(send a-mouse-event set-alt-down down?)  void?

  down? : any/c

Sets whether the Option (Mac OS X) key was down for the event. When the Alt key is pressed in Windows, it is reported as a Meta press (see set-meta-down).

(send a-mouse-event set-caps-down down?)  void?

  down? : any/c

Sets whether the Caps Lock key was on for the event.

(send a-mouse-event set-control-down down?)  void?

  down? : any/c

Sets whether the Control key was down for the event.

Under Mac OS X, if a control-key press is combined with a mouse button click, the event is reported as a right-button click and get-control-down for the event reports #f.

(send a-mouse-event set-event-type event-type)  void?






(one-of/c 'enter 'leave 'left-down 'left-up

          'middle-down 'middle-up

          'right-down 'right-up 'motion)

Sets the type of the event; see mouse-event% for information about each event type. See also get-event-type .

(send a-mouse-event set-left-down down?)  void?

  down? : any/c

Sets whether the left mouse button was down (but not pressed) during the event.

(send a-mouse-event set-meta-down down?)  void?

  down? : any/c

Sets whether the Meta (X), Alt (Windows), or Command (Mac OS X) key was down for the event.

(send a-mouse-event set-middle-down down?)  void?

  down? : any/c

Sets whether the middle mouse button was down (but not pressed) for the event. Under Mac OS X, a middle-button click is impossible.

(send a-mouse-event set-right-down down?)  void?

  down? : any/c

Sets whether the right mouse button was down (but not pressed) for the event. Under Mac OS X, a control-click combination by the user is treated as a right-button click.

(send a-mouse-event set-shift-down down?)  void?

  down? : any/c

Sets whether the Shift key was down for the event.

(send a-mouse-event set-x pos)  void?

  pos : (and/c exact? integer?)

Sets the x-position of the mouse at the time of the event in the target’s window’s (client-area) coordinate system.

(send a-mouse-event set-y pos)  void?

  pos : (and/c exact? integer?)

Sets the y-position of the mouse at the time of the event in the target’s window’s (client-area) coordinate system.