Immigration and Migration in
American History |
land flourished because it was fed from so many sources...
because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions
and peoples...'
President Lyndon Baines Johnson
Historians and children's authors
from across the nation are joining together to help you
learn more about two of the most important processes that
have formed American society. This year's program will
focus on both immigration to American and the unique role
that internal movement has played in shaping our nation.
Help students learn how they too are an integral part
of this story!
Upcoming Workshops:
- The Impact of Immigration in American
History: Processes and Policies
December 2 - 3, 2005 at
the Virden
Center, Lewes, DE
Historian: Dr.
Mark Miller
Learn how immigration has pertetually played a crucial role in determining
who we are as a unique people. Professor Miller will help you connect
this process to the experiences of those who continue to journey to
Directions | Itinerary | Reading
- Migration into the American West
February 17 - 18, 2006 at the Virden
Center, Lewes, DE
Historian: Dr.
Barry Joyce
Join Professor Joyce in studying the swirling and diverse migrations
into and throughout the American West.
Directions |
Itinerary | Key
Questions | Reading List
- The Huddled Masses: European Immigration
in the Era of Industrialization
April 28 - 29, 2006 at
the Virden
Center, Lewes, DE
Historian: Dr.
Alan Kraut
Immigration historian Alan Kraut will shed new light on the Ellis Island
immigrants coming to America from 1880 to 1921.
Directions |
Itinerary | Reading List
Summer Seminar:
- The Changing Face of America: New Opportunities;
Old and New Antagonisms
July 9 - 14, 2006 at the Newark
Campus Conferences Services, Newark, DE
Historian: Dr.
Roger Daniels
Guest Historian: Dr.
Madeline Hsu
The hopes and dreams of all Americans can be recognized in the motivations
and experiences of the diverse people who have seen America as a unique
land of opportunity. Join the Dean of American Immigration historians,
Roger Daniels, and other noted historians and children's authors to
understand and appreciate the challenges that immigrants have faced
while striving for those hopes and dreams.
Directions |
Itinerary | Reading List
- Road Trip to Philadelphia!!
July 13 - 14, 2006 leaving from
Newark Campus, Newark, DE
Eat well, stay overnight at the Sheraton Hotel and visit Immigration-related
sites, including two of the city's wonderful cultural enclaves - South
Philly and Chinatown.
