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Prospective Members

You're an expert!

As part of this organization, you can work with other graduate student to identify areas of expertise and determine how to introduce it to students. Then present a seminar and participate in an active Q&A session with the audience in order to share your skills.


A short seminar series is developed around these areas of expertise. In addition, as a club we work to identify and contact audiences for the seminar series. Ideal groups include undergraduate clubs and honor societies, undergraduate seminars, and high schools.

The Goal

By combining two communities, graduate students and undergraduate/high school students, we are able to accomplish a single goal: passing along the skills that helped us become the scientists we are today.


Interested in becoming a member?

We meet on the third Friday of every month and are always happy for prospective members to attend. For more information contact  and to check out our members page click below

University of Delaware

1084 Pilottown Road,
Lewes DE