Erase phish from your inbox
If you receive a phishing email, report it and delete it. Don't open any attachments or links—just get it out of your inbox!
Learn more below:
What should I do with a phishing email?
The safest thing you can do with a phishing email is delete it. If you think you've received a phishing email, report it to IT and erase it from your inbox.
At the very least, ignore suspicious emails. If you open links or attachments out of curiosity, you can still compromise your personal information, accounts, and devices just as if you had unknowingly fallen for the phish.
What about attachments and links?
Hackers sometimes use infected attachments to deliver malware through phishing attacks. Some attachments contain viruses that infect your machine and monitor your keystrokes, steal your information, or use your device to launch attacks on other people and devices. Worse, some attachments are used to distribute ransomware, which locks you out of your own files and demands that you pay the hacker to get them back (and there's no guarantee that the hacker will return them even if you pay).
Another common phishing tactic is to use links to malicious websites to deliver malware or harvest your information. Before you click on any links, you should verify that they are legitimate. Often, hackers will edit the link text to make it seem like a link goes to one place, but the true destination is a malicious site that the hacker controls. If you have any doubts, it's safer to not click.