Get Involved in SNO


Activities & Speakers

Executive Board


Student Nurses

SNO Homepage

Throughout both the spring and fall semesters students who are enrolled as Nursing majors will receive emails notifying them of upcoming speakers, fundraising events, and scholarships offered by local hospitals. SNO also maintains a bulletin board on the first floor of McDowell Hall, which houses the School of Nursing. To find out more about our speakers and fundraisers, students can check out this bulletin board for new notices.

Nursing students do not need to worry about locating all of the medical equipment they will need during their years at the University of Delaware. SNO sells this equipment at a discount to Nursing students each year through a fundraiser. We also sell t-shirts, sweatshirts, and other novelties proudly displaying that you are a Nursing student at the University of Delaware.

Sno Activity

For additional information you can call SNO at 831-0050
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UD Nursing