Add Me to the FUNWAVE Registered User List

In order to download FUNWAVE software, you must register as a user, choose a username and password, and indicate your acceptance of a legal disclaimer and copyright agreement. Please fill in the required information below.

Registration will not be complete until processed by the account administrator. Please wait for an email indicating acceptance of the registration before trying to download software.

Contact Information

Full Name (First | Last)(required)
Street Address Line 1 (required)
Street Address Line 2
Street Address Line 3
City (required)
State or Province (required)
Postal Code (required)
Country (required)
Phone (required)
Email (required)

Choose a Username and Password which identifies you to our system.

(Maximum of 10 characters each).

Reenter Password

Legal Information

In order to access the software, you must indicate your agreement to the legal terms for liability and copyright as detailed here.

I agree to the Terms and Conditions above.

Thanks you for filling out the request to be added to the registered users list. Please click the submit button below.

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Return to Jim Kirby's software home page.
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August 21, 2001