Steering Committee

    Tibor Tóth, Ph.D.
Assistant Policy Scientist, Center for Applied Demography & Survey Research
Dr. Tóth holds a doctorate in Urban Affairs and Public Policy. He conducts applied quantitative and qualitative research for policy-makers to support their decision-making. His expertise is in comparative politics and policy-making, survey methodology and program evaluation. Dr. Tóth teaches courses in comparative European Integration and European Government for the Department of Political Science at the University of Delaware. He is keenly interested in the process of globalization as it pertains to Central and Eastern Europe.


    William Boyer, Ph.D.
Charles Polk Messick Professor Emeritus of Public Administration
Dr. Boyer joined the University of Delaware in 1969 to chair the Department of Political Science. He has been a longtime observer of the Delaware political scene. He is an expert in public policy issues in the United States and abroad. Dr. Boyer has served as a lecturer, consultant and visiting professor all over the world, including Eastern and Western Europe, the Caribbean, Costa Rica and Asia. He has written extensively about public policy issues of those areas and of the United States.


    Robert Warren, Ph.D.
Professor, School of Urban Affairs & Public Policy; Senior Management Fellow, Institute for Public Administration
Dr. Warren's teaching, research, and publications have focused on urban and metropolitan governance, planning theory, urban coastal management, and effects of telecommunications and information technology on urban socio-economic, political, and spatial dynamics and organization. He has led in the design of policy forums and research in the IPA on telecommuting, information policy, e-commerce, the Digital Divide, intelligent transportation systems and telemedicine. Current research projects include multi-sectoral transit networks, video surveillance in urban public space, and the relationship of cyber and terrestrial space.