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qselect Manual Page

	  qselect - select batch jobs

	  qselect [-a [op]date_time] [-A account_string] [-c
	  [op]interval]	[-h hold_list] [-l resource_list] [-N name]
	  [-p [op]priority] [-q	destination] [-r rerun]	[-s states]
	  [-u user_list]

	  The qselect command provides a method	to list	the job
	  identifier of	those jobs which meet a	list of	selection
	  criteria.  Jobs are selected from those owned	by a single

	  When qselect successfully completes, it will have written to
	  standard output a list of zero or more jobs which meet the
	  criteria specified by	the options.  Each option acts as a
	  filter restricting the number	of jobs	which might be listed.
	  With no options, the qselect command will list all jobs at
	  the server which the user is authorized to list.  For	the
	  user without special privilege, that would be	those jobs
	  owned	by the user.

	  When an option is specified with a optional op component to
	  the option argument, then op specifies a relation between
	  the value of a certain job attribute and the value component
	  of the option	argument.  If an op is allowable on an option,
	  then the description of the option letter will indicate the
	  op is	allowable.  The	only acceptable	strings	for the	op
	  component, and the relation the string indicates, are	shown
	  in the following list:

	       .eq.  the value represented by the attribute of the job
		     is	equal to the value represented by the option

	       .ne.  the value represented by the attribute of the job
		     is	not equal to the value represented by the
		     option argument.

	       .ge.  the value represented by the attribute of the job
		     is	greater	than or	equal to the value represented
		     by	the option argument.

	       .gt.  the value represented by the attribute of the job
		     is	greater	than the value represented by the
		     option argument.

	       .le.  the value represented by the attribute of the job
		     is	less than or equal to the value	represented by
		     the option	argument.

	       .lt.  the value represented by the attribute of the job
		     is	less than the value represented	by the option

	  -a [op]date_time
		    Restricts selection	to a specific time, or a range
		    of times.

		    The	qselect	command	selects	only jobs for which
		    the	value of the Execution_Time attribute is
		    related to the date_time argument by the optional
		    op operator.  The date_time	argument is in the
		    form of the	date_time operand of the touch(1)
		    command:  [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]
		    where the MM is the	two digits for the month, DD
		    is the day of the month, hh	is the hour, mm	is the
		    minute, and	the optional SS	is the seconds.	 CC is
		    the	century	and YY the year.

		    If op is not specified, jobs will be selected for
		    which the Execution_Time and date_time values are
		    equal.  If op is specified,	jobs will be selected
		    according to the following definitions:

		    .eq. Execution_Time	attribute is equal to the
			 date_time argument.

		    .ne. Execution_Time	attribute is not equal to the
			 date_time argument.

		    .ge. execution_Time	attribute is greater than
			 (after) or equal to the date_time argument.

		    .gt. Execution_Time	attribute is greater than
			 (after) the date_time argument.

		    .le. Execution_Time	attribute is less than
			 (before) or equal to the date_time argument.

		    .lt. Execution_Time	attribute is less than
			 (before) the date_time	argument.

	  -A account_string
		    Restricts selection	to jobs	whose Account_Name
		    attribute matches the specified account_string.

	  -c [op]interval
		    Restricts selection	to jobs	whose Checkpoint
		    interval attribute matches the specified
		    The	values of the Checkpoint attribute are defined
		    to have the	following ordered relationship:
			n >  s > c=minutes > c > u
		    If the optional op is not specified, jobs will be
		    selected whose Checkpoint attribute	is equal to
		    the	interval argument.  If op is specified,	jobs
		    will be selected according to:

		    .eq. Checkpoint attribute of the job is equal to
			 the interval argument.

		    .ne. Checkpoint attribute of the job is not	equal
			 to the	interval argument.

		    .ge. Checkpoint attribute of the job is greater
			 than or equal to the interval argument.

		    .gt. Checkpoint attribute of the job is greater
			 than the interval argument.

		    .le. Checkpoint attribute of the job is less than
			 or equal to the interval argument.

		    .lt. Checkpoint attribute of the job is less than
			 the interval argument.

		    For	an interval value of "u", only ".eq." and
		    ".ne." are valid.

	  -h hold_list
		    Restricts the selection of jobs to those with a
		    specific set of hold types.	 Only those jobs will
		    be selected	whose Hold_Types attribute exactly
		    match the value of the hold_list argument.

		    The	hold_list argument is a	string consisting of
		    one	or more	occurrences the	single letter n, or
		    one	or more	of the letters u, o, or	s in any
		    combination.  If letters are duplicated, they are
		    treated as if they occurred	once.  The letters
		    represent the hold types:
		      n	- none
		      u	- user
		      o	- other
		      s	- system

	  -l resource_list
		    Restricts selection	of jobs	to those with
		    specified resource amounts.

		    Only those jobs will be selected whose
		    Resource_List attribute matches the	specified
		    relation with each resource	and value listed in
		    the	resource_list argument.	 The resource_list is
		    in the following format:
		    The	relation operator op must be present.

		    When comparing the values of resources, the
		    following definitions for the operator apply:

		    .eq. the resource value in the Resource_List
			 attribute of the job equals the value
			 specified in resource_list.

		    .ne. the resource value in the Resource_List
			 attribute of the job is not equal to the
			 value specified in resource_list.

		    .ge. the resource value in the Resource_List
			 attribute of the job is greater than or equal
			 to the	value specified	in resource_list.

		    .gt. the resource value in the Resource_List
			 attribute of the job is greater than the
			 value specified in resource_list.

		    .le. the resource value in the Resource_List
			 attribute of the job is less than or equal to
			 the value specified in	resource_list.

		    .lt. the resource value in the Resource_List
			 attribute of the job is less than the value
			 specified in resource_list.

	  -N name   Restricts selection	of jobs	to those with a
		    specific name.

	  -p [op]priority
		    Restricts selection	of jobs	to those with a
		    priority that matches the specified	relationship.
		    If op is not specified, jobs are selected for
		    which the job Priority attribute is	equal to the

		    If the op is specified, the	relationship is
		    defined as:

		    .eq. Priority attribute is equal to	the value of
			 the priority argument.

		    .ne. Priority attribute is not equal to the	value
			 of the	priority argument.

		    .ge. Priority attribute is greater than or equal
			 to the	value of the priority argument.

		    .gt. Priority attribute is greater than the	value
			 of the	priority argument.

		    .le. Priority attribute is less than or equal to
			 the value of the priority argument.

		    .lt. Priority attribute is less than the value of
			 the priority argument.

	  -q destination
		    Restricts selection	to those jobs residing at the
		    specified destination.

		    The	destination may	be of one of the following
		    three forms:

		    If the -q option is	not specified, jobs will be
		    selected from the default server.

		    If the destination describes only a	queue, only
		    jobs in that queue on the default batch server
		    will be selected.

		    If the destination describes only a	server,	then
		    jobs in all	queues on that server will be

		    If the destination describes both a	queue and a
		    server, then only jobs in the named	queue on the
		    named server will be selected.

	  -r rerun  Restricts selection	of jobs	to those with the
		    specified Rerunable	attribute.  The	option
		    argument must be a single character.  The
		    following two characters are supported by PBS:  y
		    and	n.

	  -s states Restricts job selection to those in	the specified

		    The	states argument	is a character string which
		    consists of	any combination	of the characters:  E,
		    H, Q, R, T,	and W.

		    The	characters in the states argument have the
		    following interpretation:
		    E	 the Exiting state.

		    H	 the Held state.

		    Q	 the Queued state.

		    R	 the Running state.

		    T	 the Transiting	state.

		    W	 the Waiting state.

		    Jobs will be selected which	are in any of the
		    specified states.

	  -u user_list
		    Restricts selection	to jobs	owned by the specified
		    user names.

		    This provides a means of specifying	a user name
		    when the qselect user may have different user
		    names on different hosts.

		    The	syntax of the user_list	is:
		    Host names may be wild carded on the left end,
		    e.g. "*.nasa.gov".	User_name without a "@host" is
		    equivalent to "user_name@*", that is at any	host.
		    Jobs will be selected which	are owned by the
		    listed users at the	corresponding hosts.

	  The list of job identifiers of selected jobs is written to
	  standard output.  Each job identifier	is separated by	white
	  space.  Each job identifier is of the	form:
	  Where	sequence_number.server is the identifier assigned at
	  submission time, see qsub.  @server identifies the server
	  which	currently owns the job.

	  The qselect command will write a diagnostic message to
	  standard error for each error	occurrence.

	  Upon successful processing of	all options presented to the
	  qselect command, the exit status will	be a value of zero.

	  If the qselect command fails to process any option, the
	  command exits	with a value greater than zero.


	  qsub(1B), qstat(1B), and  pbs_statjob(3B)
qalter | qdel | qhold | qmsg | qmove | qrls | qrerun | qselect | qsig | qstat | qsub

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