Program Description
As an integral program of study within the University of Delaware's Art and Design Department,the Foundation Year's mission is to introduce, educate and challenge students toward the mastery of the fundamental, technical, historical, conceptual and practical aspects of art and design.
In the six core Foundations courses, students received an extensive introduction to the elements and principles of design and vocabulary. Through a variety of experiences in Drawing, two and three dimensional Design, Introduction to Digital Media and Research Studio, students explore all aspects of the creative process including observation analysis, craftsmanship, visual and conceptual problem solving, the expressive potential of media, and the development of form and content.
In the Foundations Colloquium, students are introduced to contemporary visiting artists and faculty presentations that engage students i critical thinking and writing. Colloquium is designed to emphasize class discussion and for students to begin their intellectual journey at the University of Delaware. Opportunities for department majors and undergraduate research are also presented.
Students are admitted to the BA Art Degree upon entering Foundations. This introductory experience prepares all University of Delaware Art majors for the Fine Art and Visual Communication programs with a portfolio of Foundations work that includes an education in expression, visual perception, and image and object making.
During the second semester of the Foundation year, students may apply to BFA Fine Art or Visual Communications through a portfolio review process.