Sarah Newhouse

Current Assignment:
Writing Center


Years as a Writing Fellow: Two

Major: English

Minor: Medieval Studies, Japanese, History

Class of: 2004

Activities: Academic Competition club, DROC, Reading, Knitting


I'm a Junior English major, with (hopefully) minors in Japanese, Medieval Studies, and History. It took me a whole year of college to decide on my major, but I'm continually surprised by and reaffirmed in my choice. I hope to study Medieval Literature at grad school and eventually become a professor.
I have a really odd field of interests: ballet, reading (more than is healthy!), knitting, playing music, watching old Sci-Fi and musical movies, and (of course) writing.

The Writing Fellows program has taught me how to not fear writing assignments - something I think every freshman should know. The ideas of writing as a process and communication are also incredibly important and new to me. I hope to impart these ideas on the students I'll be working with; they've made my life so much easier!

In the fall of 2002 I will have just returned from a study abroad session in Kobe, Japan. Ask me about it - I'm sure I'll have hours of amusing stories.