Emily Frankenburg

Email: emmyrose@udel.edu

Current Assignment:
EDUC 391-081
Intelligence in Everyday Life


Years as a Writing Fellow: One

Major: Spanish

Minor: Linguistics, English

Class of: 2004

Activities: Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society, Alpha Lambda Delta, Caesura Staff, Language Partners

Awards: Espadas Award for Undergraduate Writing at the Middle Atlantic Council on Latin American Studies 2002 Conference

I am from Woodstown, New Jersey, home of the giant ceramic cow and the rodeo. Since coming to the University of Delaware, I've been amazed by the traffic lights, the crowds, and the beautiful elm trees. I work my vacations as a nursing home Activities Assistant, and I think the world would be a better place if everyone had access to the wisdom of 90-year-olds. After graduation my career will involve translation, editing, teaching, simultaneous interpreting and/or social work. My fondest dream right now is that the University of Delaware will let my cat Pixie move into the dormitories.

Why do I tutor? Probably because other people have such interesting ideas and experiences, and I love working cooperatively to communicate those on paper. When I tutor, students broaden my perspective and help remedy my total ignorance in areas like football and how to drive a car.