VOLUME 25 #3

Current cover


From the Editor

The Great American Eclipse occurred about a week before the last issue of the Messenger hit mailboxes. It was a symbolic moment, a celestial reminder of the wonders that surround us, those cosmic forces forever in motion, converging above while uniting us below. I thought of that connection as we put together this current issue, where the ties that bind exist across all planes: In the concert halls where a UD violinist speaks “the universal language of the world”; in our quest to bridge the growing divide of our political landscape; even in our professional lives, where our competing demands seem as disparate as the sun and the moon.

There is common ground, and our UD community is perhaps the greatest example of it. When we look to the contributions we have given the world, we see just how our impact resonates through time: How we provide essential life skills to those who need it most; how we’ve laid the foundation for managing all the biomedical knowledge in existence; how we apply our expertise to addressing grand challenges across the globe.

It may seem extreme, perhaps even grandiose, to imagine that our University has any influence over the universe. Then again, there’s a boldness intrinsic to our character, a belief that with Delaware First in our hearts, the future is ours to write together. Though our state may be small, our community is are composed of greatness, of forces forever in motion, with the power to unite in ways once considered unimaginable. After all, we helped put the first man on the moon.

Artika Rangan Casini, AS05