Top graduate programs earn national recognition
ON THE GREEN | The Department of Physical Therapy is ranked second in the nation in U.S. News and World Report's 2013 edition of Best Graduate Schools, published in a print guidebook in April.
The new guide analyzed more than 1,200 programs. Also listed were these UD graduate programs and their numerical rankings: School of Education (30); School of Public Policy and Administration (37, with specialty rankings for city management and urban policy [12], nonprofit management [25] and public management administration [26]); Department of Psychology/clinical psychology (47); College of Engineering (56, with a specialty ranking for chemical engineering [10]); and Department of Art (114).
"It's gratifying to see this newest recognition," Charles Riordan, vice provost for graduate and professional education, says. "Serving more than 3,500 graduate students, the University of Delaware has an array of excellent master's and doctoral degree programs."
The Department of Physical Therapy won additional recognition recently when it was chosen in a national nomination process as one of four exemplar sites to participate in a national study of physical therapist education. The sites were selected for innovation and excellence, the American Physical Therapy Association said.