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University of Delaware Figure Skating Club August 2003 Newsletter |
Welcome back to all of our returning members! Also, a special welcome to our new members! I hope all of you enjoy the coming skating season.
We extend all of our best wishes to Patti Weir who has left her position as a member of the Board of Directors of the Club. While a Board member, Patti contributed her insight into the lives of our competitors. Julie Pietraszko has agreed to fill Patti's remaining term. Julie has been an active member of the Collegiate Club. We thank Patti for her efforts and welcome Julie!
Skating is undoubtedly an expensive sport. Did you know that there are a number of USFSA programs that provide assistance to athletes? Information on these programs is available on the USFSA web site at www.usfsa.org. Select the option called USFSA programs and then select "athlete funding." The Chevy Scholastic Honors team should be of particular interest to our academically successful high school members. The UDFSC has been well represented on the Scholastic Honors team in the past. We hope we continue to be well represented.
Did you know that you can earn free ice privileges for Club Ice (5-6:30 p.m. on Sundays)? For each 45-minute Club Ice session that you monitor, you earn a corresponding free Club ice session for you or for your family member who skates. We currently have a regular monitor for Club Ice, but we are in need of backup monitors to fill in for our monitor when she cannot be there. If you are interested in becoming a monitor for Club Ice, please contact the Club Office at (302) 831-4686.
Join us on Sundays in the Rust Ice Arena for a dance-preferred session from 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. and a freestyle-preferred session from 5:45 - 6:30 p.m.
Please Note: If your address changes, please notify the UDFSC as soon as possible. This will ensure important documents as well as the newsletter, get to you in a timely manner. Also, remember to use the UDFSC web site whenever possible. Our site has links to the University of Delaware Ice Skating Training Center as well as the e-mail addresses of board members who can answer your specific questions.
Lee Brogley-Membership
Club Ice is now available at The Pond on Monday evenings from 5:40-6:20PM.
The following test sessions are scheduled. If you plan to test, be sure to get your application in by the deadlines listed below, as these sessions are likely to fill quickly. Applications must be in the lockbox by 5:00 p.m. on the application due dates below.
Monday | Oct. 6, 2003 | UD | Applications due Mon., Sept. 21, 2003 by 5 p.m. |
Monday | Jan. 19, 2004 | UD | Applications due Mon., Jan. 5, 2004 by 5 p.m. |
Monday | Feb. 16, 2004 | UD | Applications due Mon., Feb. 2, 2004 by 5 p.m. |
Friday | April 9, 2004 | UD | Applications due Fri., March 26, 2004 by 5 p.m. |
Friday | May 14, 2004 | UD | Applications due Fri., April 30, 2004 by 5 p.m. |
Friday | June 25, 2004 | UD | Applications due Fri., June 11, 2004 by 5 p.m. |
Friday | July 23, 2004 | UD | Applications due Fri., July 9, 2004 by 5 p.m. |
Friday | Aug. 27, 2004 | UD | Applications due Fri., Aug. 13, 2004 by 5 p.m. |
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Test Applications
As the new skating season begins, we will be implementing a few changes regarding testing. Beginning with the October test session, we will be giving out the USFSA patches to skaters who pass tests. This will cause a slight increase in the test fees, which will be reflected in the new test applications.
The deadline for tests will be changed to two weeks prior to the actual test date, and there will no refunds. If there are extenuating circumstances, the test will be forwarded to the next session. Please be aware that not passing a contingency test, (whether it be at the same session or at another club), will not be considered an extenuating circumstance.
Late applications may be submitted with the appropriate fees plus a $25.00 non refundable late fee. They may be accepted if time becomes available due to a last minute scratch, however there is no guarantee. If the test cannot be accepted it will be forwarded to the next session.
Regarding the actual test session please be aware that scheduling these sessions is very time consuming and many factors have to be taken into account.
If you wish to contact the test chairman, send e-mail to UDTestChair@aol.com.
Congratulations to the following UDFSC members who passed the following tests held recently at UD.
Jerry Santoferrara, Testing Committee Chair
Rhumba-Patrick Connelly
Westminster Waltz-Stephanie Theobold, Chun Gun Lee, Kate Slattery
Quick Step-Chun Gun Lee
Viennese Waltz-Chun Gun Lee, Philip Rey
Argentine Tango-Chun Gun Lee, Philip Rey
Pre Prelim Moves-Samantha Ranlet
Prelim Moves-Samantha Hurley, Kayla Langshaw, Peter Cheung
Intermediate Moves-Alana Fulton
Juvenile Moves-Holly Alexander
Pre-Juv Moves-Meghann Barber, Rebecca Kolpak
Intermediate Free-Dean Copely, Evan Roberts
Pre Juv Free-Meghann Barber, Holly Alexander
Hickory Hoedown-Emma Dahl, Geoffrey Varraux
Willow Waltz-Emma Dahl
Ten Fox-Geoffrey Varraux
Juv Free Dance-Stephanie Theobold
Senior Moves-Patrick Connelly
Tango-Lauren Wlazelak, Katrina Magaard, Zachary Varraux
Junior Moves-Erica Bateman, Peter Briccotto, Nicole Tahtouh, Tiffany Wen, Elaine Cheung, Christine Zukowski
American Waltz-Zachary Varraux
Novice Moves-Farryn Johnson
Rocker Foxtrot-Elizabeth Martin
Kilian-Evan Roberts
Paso Doble-Tom Manion
Blues-Tom Manion
Prelim Moves-Lauren Suaran
Dutch Waltz-Catlin Hickerson, Mallory Marschall
Pre-Pre Moves-Catlin Hickerson, Mallory Marschall
Canasta Tango-Mallory Marschall
Rhythm Blue-Mallory Marschall
Cha-Cha-Elizabeth Tringali
Willow Waltz-Gina Mead
14 Step-Kelly Pun
Juvenile Free-Gina Mead
June 2003
Brig Sapp-PrePre Moves
Kimmie Meissner-Junior Free
Farryn Johnson-Novice Free
Megan Bowker-Int. Free/Junior Moves
Paige Lawver-Int. Free/Fiesta Tango
Richter Cheung-Prelim Moves/PrePre Free
Kali DiGate-Prelim Moves/Prelim Free
Teresa Summa-Prelim Moves/Swing Dance
Taylor Johnston-PrePre Moves
Cathy Lee-PrePre Moves
Heili Lowman-PrePreMoves
Michelle Pennington-Nov. Moves
Elizabeth Tringali-Int. Moves/Swing Dance
Deanna Meyer-Juv Moves/Pre Juv Free
Mary Barnette-PreJuv Moves/14 Step
Megan Marschall-Junior Moves
Kyle Herring-Nov. Moves/Rocker Foxtrot
Tiffany Butz-Juvenile Free Dance
Jean Donati-Rhythm Blues
Caitlin Hickerson-Canasta Tango/Rhythm Blues
Brig Sapp-Dutch Waltz/ChaCh/Rhythm Blues
Emma Dahl-Ten Fox
Meredith Pipkin-Willow Waltz
Marianne Casbolt-ChaCha
Mallory Marschall-ChaCha
Jean Donati-Dutch Waltz/Canasta Tango
Katrina Magaard-American Waltz
Lauren Wlazelek-14 Step/Paso Doble
Stephanie Nieminski-14 Step/Foxtrot
Dean Copley-American Waltz/Rocker Foxtrot
Sara Barker-ChaCha Congelado
Marissa Marschall-Argentine Tango
Philipp Rey-Quickstep
Torsten Joerger-Kilian
Noelle Tuttle-Juv Free
Peter Cheung-Prelim Free
Olivia Lawrence-PrePre Free
Morgan Thomas-PrePre Free
July 2003
Erin Wilson -AdultPreBronze Moves/Bronze Moves/Silver Moves/PreBronze Free
Marissa Mash-PrePre Moves/PrePre Free
Kathleen O'Conner-Prelim Moves
Jennifer Wood-Juv Moves
Meghann Barber-Juv Moves
Emma Dahl-Int. Moves/14 Step
Erica Klopman-Nov. Moves
Zoe Read-Nov. Moves
Gabriel Nash-Senior Moves
Lauren Kramer-PrePre Free
Victoria Power-PrePre Free
Charlene Campbell-PrePreFree/Prelim Free
Karalee Jones-Prelim Free
Teresa Summa-Prelim Free/Fiesta Tango
Samantha Shell-Juv Free
Cortney Meis-Int. Free
Ashley Deem-Nov. Free
Leah Meyer-Junior Free
Ashley Williams-Yankee Polka
Michaela Lloyd-Dutch Walts
Lauren Kramer-Dutch Waltz/Canasta Tango
Mallory Marschall-Fiesta Tango
Cortney Meis-Hickory Hoedown/Ten Fox
Katie Meis-Hickory Hoedown
Paige Lawver-Hickory Hoedown/Willow Waltz
Michael Soyfer-14 Step
Stephanie Nieminski-European Waltz
Rebecca Stern-American Waltz
Melia Miniscloux-Tango
Erika Nizborski-Rocker Foxtrot
Jessica Neipris-Kilian/Blues
Lindsey Cohen-Blues
Katrina Magaard-Paso Doble
Elizabeth Martin-Paso Doble/Juv Free Dance
Tiffany Butz-Argentine Tango
Stephanie Theobold-Vienesse Waltz/Int. Free Dance
Kyle Herring-Int. Free Dance
Zachary Varraux-Nov. Free Dance
Philipp Rey-Senior Free Dance
August 2003
Ashley Williams-Ravensburger Waltz
Stephanie Theobold-Starlight Waltz
Kelly Pun-Foxtrot
Dianne Nichols-American Waltz
Katrina Magaard-Kilian/Blues
Evan Roberts-Blues
Elizabeth Martin-Blues/Int. Free Dance/Nov. Free Dance
Torsten Joerger-Paso Doble
Elizabeth Tringali-Fiesta Tango
Teresa Summa-Hickory Hoedown/Willow Waltz
Cortney Meis-Willow Waltz/14 Step
Molly Bennett-European Waltz/Foxtrot
Julie Pietraszko-European Waltz/Juv. Free Dance
Anita Muir-Juv Free Dance
Tom Manion-Nov. Free Dance/Nov. Moves
Victoria Power-Dutch Waltz
Maria Baiocco-Fiesta Tango
Stephanie Smith-Int. Free/Nov. Moves
John Cain-Junior Free
Katherine Hadford-Senior Free
Evan Roberts-Senior Moves
Ryan Troxell-Prelim Free/Pre Juv Free
Peter Cheung-Pre Juv Free
Geoffrey Varraux-Juv Free
Megan Bowker-Senior Moves
Lindsey Cohen-Senior Moves
Megan Marschall-Senior Moves
Michael Solonoski-Senior Moves
Molly Bennett-Int. Moves
Noelle Tuttle-Int. Moves
Cortney Meis-Nov. Moves
Peter Cheung-Pre Juv Moves
Teresa Summa-Pre Juv Moves
Monica Hanson-PrePre Moves
Samantha Trabosh-PrePre Moves/Prelim Moves
Katelyn Yannie-PrePre Moves
Megan Black-PrePre Moves
Brendon Barton-PrePreMoves
Mallory Marschall-Prelim Moves
Parents may want to screen skater fan mail to be sure there is no inappropriate content. Fan mail sent to the USFSA will be forwarded to the skater with a warning letter attached.
If you are interested in attending judges' school, the UDFSC may be able to offer some financial assistance. Write to us at ud-fsc@udel.edu or call (302) 831-4686. Information on judging is available at the USFSA web site at www.usfsa.org.
Interested in UDFSC synchronized skating teams? Synchronized skating is a choreographed routine skated in unison by 12-24 team members. Teams are assembled by skill level and USFSA age restrictions. Come out and see what it is about! Contact the UDFSC on (302) 831-4686.
Please note that the UDFSC club telephone answering service is manned by volunteers. We will make every attempt to retrieve your telephone calls promptly and forward your questions to the appropriate board member or training center staff. Thank you for your patience in this matter. Please send e-mail to ud-fsc@udel.edu whenever possible.
Congratulations to the following UDFSC competitors. If you competed in an international event that is not listed, please let us know by calling (302) 831-4686 or writing to us at ud-fsc@udel.edu.
TRIGLAV TROPHY - Jesenice, Slovenia
April 10-13, 2003
May 30-June 3, 2003
July 11-12, 2003
July 31-Aug 1, 2003
August 7-9, 2003
Aug. 14-17, 2003
NEBELHORN TROPHY - Obertsdorf, Germany
Sept. 3-7, 2003
Feel free to send comments regarding this newsletter to ud-fsc@udel.edu or leave a message at (302) 831-4686.