The Skating Club of Brewster



The First Annual Brewster Autumn Classic

All Adult Competition

Freestyle, Moves in the Field, Dance, Pairs, Showcase, Compulsory Moves, Spin Challenge, Jump Challenge, Team Compulsories


Sanctioned by the United States Figure Skating Association



Rules and eligibility:  The First Annual Brewster Autumn Classic is open to eligible adult skaters, age 25 and over (Ages 18-24 will be added if entries warrant), who are members in good standing of the USFSA.  The competition will be governed by the rules set forth in the announcement and the 2005 USFSA Official Rulebook.

The Skating Club of Brewster reserves the right to subdivide events as necessary or to cancel events due to lack of entries. Skaters may enter as many events as they wish at their current test level or may skate up one level. Males and females will not be combined for freeskating events, but may be combined in all others.  Eligibility by test level and age is as of the deadline. Age categories are as follows:


Young Adult Introductory    18-24

Class I            25-35

Class II            36-45

Class III           46-55

Class IV          56 and over


Deadline:    Entries must be postmarked no later than  August 27, 2005.  Late entries will be accepted at the discretion of the LOC and will be assessed a $10 late fee on each event entered.


Entries and Schedules:   Entry fee will be $65 for the first event and $35 for each additional event.  All entry fees must accompany the entry form.  Please submit a separate check for each event.  If an event is cancelled, this makes the refunding of fees to the competitor easier for the LOC.  There will be no refunds for withdrawals after the close of entries for medical reasons.  There will be a $25 fee assessed for any returned checks.  Schedules will be posted on our website,, approximately 2 weeks prior to the competition.   Directions are posted on the rink’s website, Competitors who wish to receive a schedule by mail must include a legal-sized, self-addressed stamped envelope with their application.


Mail completed entries and fees to:


            Brewster Autumn Classic

            c/o Cynthia McNamara

            93 Ives Farm Road

            Brewster, N.Y.  10509


Registration:  Competitors are asked to check in at the registration desk a least one hour prior to their event.  Every effort is made to run on time, but events can and may run early.


Music:  Only cassette tapes or CDs will be accepted. Cassettes must be clearly marked with competitors name, event, length of music and side to be played.  Tapes must be rewound or will not be accepted.  CDs must have only one track and be clearly labeled with name, event, length of music. Due to compatibility and reliability issues, no music may be submitted on re-recordable CDRW discs.   Music must be submitted at the registration desk and can be picked up at the desk at the end of the event.  The Skating Club of Brewster will accept no responsibility for damage or loss of cassettes or CDs, but will take every precaution to ensure their safety.  Tapes and CDs will not be mailed back to competitors.


Rink:  Brewster Ice Arena houses two full surface arenas and one studio rink.  The competition will be held on the ’98 rink, which measures 200”x85”.   There is a health club, Pro shop, snack bar and full service bar and restaurant on site.


Admission:  One competitor’s pass and one Professional’s pass will be issued at the registration desk.


Awards:  Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd,3rd, and 4th places in each group.


Accommodations:   The official hotel for the competition is Comfort Suites, 89 Mill Plain Road, Danbury, CT 06811.  Telephone number is (203) 205-0800.    A block of rooms has been reserved at the special rate of $89.00 per night. Please mention you are attending the Brewster Autumn Classic to receive the discounted rate. 


Practice Ice:  Practice ice will be available the day of the competition from 8 a.m-8:50 a.m. and 11 a.m.-11:50 a.m. The price is $10 per 25 minute session.  Practice ice form and payment must be returned prior to the competition.  Walk ons will be accepted on a space available basis.


Video Taping:  The competition will be taped by an official photographer.  Video taping is restricted to the bleachers and tripods are not permitted.


Questions:   Please direct any inquires to: Dr. Lorraine Burio at 203-948-3702 or email with the heading “Brewster Autumn Classic” in the subject line to


Free Skating Events


Events                                   Requirements                                 Time


Adult Beginner                                            No tests passed                                1:40 max

                                                                        No flip, lutz, axel or doubles


Adult Pre-Bronze                                       Adult Pre-Bronze FS/PrePre FS     1:40 max

                                                                        No lutz, axel or doubles


Adult Bronze                                               Adult Bronze FS/Pre FS                  1:40 max

                                                                        No axel, no doubles


Adult Silver                                                  Adult Silver FS/PreJuv.,Juv. FS      2:10 max

                                                                        Axel allowed, no doubles


Adult Gold                                                    Adult Gold FS/Juv.FS                       2:40 max



Adult Masters                                              Intermediate FS                                2:40 max



Moves in the Field

Each skater will perform each move one after the other. Patterns will remain the same for this event regardless of any changes to the adult tests after the close of entries.


Event                                     Requirements                     Pattern                      Description


Bronze                                  Adult Bronze or PreJuv MIF             ABM 3            Fwd Power 3 Turns

                                                Adult PreBronze or Prelim MIF                    ABM 5            Five Step Mowhawk


Silver                         Adult Silver or Juv. MIF                                 ASM 1            Eight Step Mowhawk

                                                Adult Bronze or PreJuv MIF             ASM 6            Inside Slide Chasse


Gold                           Adult Gold or Intermediate MIF                    AGM 1            Fwd Power Circles

                                                Adult Silver or Juv. MIF                                 AGM 6            Brackets in the Field




Hand held props only.  Skating skills are used to develop a theme and interpret music.  Costumes are a factor in the judging.  Judging will emphasize artistic impression.  Single jumps only and no axel .


Event                                                 Requirement                                                Time


Adult Interp.                         Adult Bronze or Silver FS, no higher

                                                            than adult or standard Pre Silver Dance test                     1:40 max


Masters Interp.                                            Adult Gold FS, Intermediate FS

                                                                        1 Adult or Standard Silver Dance test                    1:40 max



Spin Challenge

All spins will be done on half ice. Spins should be skated exactly as stated in this order. Deductions will be given for added elements unnecessary to set up the spin.  Each skater will perform all three spins and be given one attempt per spin.  Males and females may be combined for this event.


Event                                     Requirement                                                Description


Bronze                                              Adult Bronze FS/PreJuv FS             Fwd. Scratch spin

                                                                                                                                    Sit Spin

                                                                                                                                    Camel Spin


Silver                                     Adult Silver FS/Juv.FS                                 Back Scratch Spin

                                                                                                                                    Camel spin



Gold/Masters                                   Adult Gold FS/Intermediate FS                   Flying Camel

                                                                                                                                    Sit Change Sit

                                                                                                                                    Combo spin with change of

                                                                                                                                    foot  and one change of position



Jump Challenge

Jumps should be performed exactly as written and in this order.  Skaters will be given one attempt per jump.  Deductions will be given for extra elements other than stroking and edging needed to set up the jump.  All jumps, with the exception of Gold/Masters, will be performed on half ice.


Event                         Requirement                        Description


Pre Bronze               Pre Bronze FS/PPF             Waltz Jump, Toe Loop Jump, Salchow Jump


Bronze                                  Bronze FS/Prelim FS           Waltz Jump/Toe Loop, Loop Jump, Flip Jump


Silver                         Silver FS/PreJuv FS Loop/Loop  Flip Jump, Lutz Jump


Gold/Masters                       Gold FS/Intermediate FS     Lutz/Loop, Axel, Any Double jump



Individual Compulsory Moves

Skaters may enter at their FS level or skate up one level.  Elements can be skated in any order like a program with no music. Deductions will be taken for added elements not necessary to link the elements.

Time limit for all levels is 1:30.  All levels, except Gold/Masters, will be performed on half ice.


Pre Bronze:             Waltz jump     Toe Loop Jump     Lunge     Backward Crossovers (either direction)

                                    One foot upright spin


Bronze:                     Salchow Jump       Waltz-Toe loop combo     Fwd. Spiral      Sit Spin    Fwd Scratch spin


Silver:                        Flip Jump    Loop Jump        Camel Spin      Back Scratch Spin    Circular Footwork


Gold/Masters:          Axel jump    Flying Camel      Layback Spin    Lutz/Loop jump     Straight line Footwork



Pairs Free Skating

Pairs will be divided by levels if number of entries is sufficient.

Freeskating programs should be between 2:10 and 2:40 minutes in length.


Team Compulsory Moves

Five compulsory moves will be required of each team. The moves will be the same as those in the Individual Compulsory Moves in this announcement.  Each team will consist of 3 to 5 skaters with no skater executing more than 2 moves.  The event will be judged on a team basis only.  A team may consist of males and females.  A club may enter up to 3 teams in each division, giving each team a different name.  The home club of the majority of members determines the home club entering the team.  Corresponding free skating levels apply to all team compulsory events.  Skaters may compete at their current free skating level or one level above, but not below.  Skaters may compete for only one team.


Please submit the team event application separate from all other event forms.  Please submit one entry form per team.



Adult Dance



Event                                                                         Dance                                                                                                                                                           


Centennial Dance                          Foxtrot                        4 sequences

                                                                        Tango                         2 sequences 


Adult Pre-Bronze                           Canasta Tango         3 sequences

                                                                        Swing Dance             2 sequences             


Adult Bronze                                               Fiesta Tango             3 sequences

                                                                        Swing Dance             2 sequences


Adult Pre Silver                                           Ten Fox                      3 sequences

                                                                        European Waltz         3 sequences


Adult Silver                                      European Waltz         3 sequences

(Silver, cont’d)                                            Rocker Fox Trot         4 sequences


Adult Pre Gold                                          Tango                         2 sequences

                                                                     Blues                          3 sequences 


Adult Gold                                        Silver Samba             2 sequences

                                                                        Viennese Waltz         3 sequences 





Young Adult Freeskating Events

(Ages 18-24)


Pre Bronze                           No test higher than Pre Prelim FS or ISI FS 3

                                                            No Axel and no doubles                                                           1:40



Bronze                                              Prelim. FS and/or ISI FS3 and no higher than

                                                            Pre Juv. FS or ISI FS4

                                                            Axels are permitted, but no doubles.                                         1:40


Silver                                     Juvenile FS and/or ISI FS 5 and no higher than

                                                            Intermediate FS or ISI FS 6                                     2:10


Gold                                       Intermediate FS or ISI FS 7                                     2:40




