Fair Use Week 2016 will be celebrated nationally and at the University of Delaware Library from Feb. 22-26.

National celebration

University Library observes Fair Use Week with materials, webinar, discussion


1:59 p.m., Feb. 17, 2016--Fair Use Week 2016 will be celebrated nationally and at the University of Delaware Library from Feb. 22-26.

Fair Use Week is an annual celebration of the doctrine of fair use, a significant exception to copyright for scholarship and teaching. 

FYI Stories

June 6: UDid It! Picnic

All UD faculty and staff members are invited to attend the annual UDid It! employee appreciation picnic, set from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Monday, June 6, on The Green.

2FA protects you

If you are using two-factor authentication (2FA), even if a hacker has your password, your information is probably safe.

Each day teachers teach, students learn, researchers advance knowledge and consumers access copyrighted information due to exemptions in copyright law, such as fair use. Fair use allows the use of copyrighted materials without permission from the copyright holder under certain circumstances. 

For libraries, educational institutions and the public, the fair use doctrine is the most important limitation on the rights of the copyright owner — and a “First Amendment Safeguard.” Like the First Amendment itself, fair use is broad, flexible and responsive to change.

Fair Use Week designates a time to promote and discuss the opportunities presented by fair use.

The University of Delaware Library staff will celebrate Fair Use Week this year with educational material, a webinar and discussion. Faculty and students are encouraged to take advantage of the library’s resources and its copyright-savvy librarians. 

As part of this celebration, members of the University community are invited to join library staff members for “The Fair Use Factors: Their History and Application,” a webinar to be held from 2-3 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 25, in the Class of 1941 Lecture Room. Those interested are welcome to stay and discuss the presentation afterward. 

Others may find “Fair Use in Scholarly Journal and Book Publishing — Publisher, Author, and Library Perspectives” especially interesting. The live-streamed panel discussion co-hosted by MIT and Harvard University, will explore the barriers and issues that arise when scholarly publishers consider whether to allow fair use as a basis for inclusion of third party material in scholarly articles and books. This program will be held at noon, Tuesday, Feb. 23, in Room 116A of the Morris Library. 

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