January HPC Symposium
High Performance Computing Symposium scheduled for Jan. 27
11:25 a.m., Dec. 18, 2015--University of Delaware researchers are invited to the first High Performance Computing Symposium session of 2016, scheduled Wednesday, Jan. 27.
The session will kick off with a presentation by Arthi Jayaraman, associate professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, and her colleagues in the Jayaraman Research Group about how they use UD's High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters and molecular simulations to design polymers that are used in materials like solar cells, tires and DNA delivery for therapy.
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They will discuss how different aspects of their projects have required different supercomputing needs, including the use of GPU computing.
The presentation will begin at 10 a.m. in Faculty Commons (Room 116 Pearson Hall) and will be followed by an hour-long open forum for researchers to ask the IT-Research Computing staff questions and find answers, brainstorm and share ideas with other researchers.
The IT-Research Computing staff will also be making an announcement about the final year of support and retirement for Mills.
Registration is available at the IT Research Computing website. Refreshments will be provided.
This presentation is a continuation of a series of meetings designed for researchers using or interested in using the University’s HPC clusters.
Upcoming presentations for 2016:
- Feb. 24 -Dana Veron, associate professor of geography;
- Jun. 22 - The Neunuebel Neuroscience Lab; and
- Sept. 21 - TBD.
Those interested in presenting a future HPC Symposium should contact it-hpc-interest@udel.edu.