University of Delaware Transportation Services has announced that it will implement several changes to shuttle bus routes.

Shuttle changes

Transportation Services to implement changes to shuttle bus routes


11:46 a.m., Aug. 28, 2015--With the new academic year beginning, University of Delaware Transportation Services has announced that it will implement several changes to shuttle bus routes as the result of a transportation study conducted in fall 2014.

Those changes include:

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New route design – In response to feedback received from the UD community, Transportation Services has reduced the number of routes and eliminated one-bus routes during weekdays while maintaining the same number of buses providing service during peak weekday hours.

This will result in a more efficient and less confusing transportation system.

From 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays, there will be four primary routes -– down from six – that will cover the same geographic area as previously. However, there will be two or more buses operating on each route, which will provide increased frequency of service.

All of these routes will operate in similar fashion to the North/South route of the past – non-fixed times and continuous movement.

Buses on the two North/South routes, one utilizing South College Avenue and the other using Academy Street, will be staggered to avoid bunching and will be deployed to coincide with class change times.

Academy Street service will be increased to handle the increased volumes of students residing and taking classes in that part of campus.

Late-night return service – All late night service year-round will end with the return of all remaining riders to the UD bus stop nearest their destination. This will ensure that late-night riders get as close to home as possible rather than having services end at the Smith Overpass, as was the case in the past.

Tracking system enhancements – Transportation Services has upgraded the GPS tracking hardware and data network for the shuttle tracking application ( This will dramatically improve the accuracy and reliability of the arrival predictions generated by the system.

Coming soon – iPhone and Android apps for shuttle bus tracking are currently under development and will be ready soon. These apps will complement the current mobile webpage version, which can be accessed on any web-enabled phone at

Photo by Kathy F. Atkinson

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