University staff members busy planning for ONEcard initiative
11:13 a.m., Jan. 23, 2015--University of Delaware ID Card Office staff members are busy planning for the “ONEcard re-card” initiative, which is slated to get underway in mid-February.
The ID Card Office asks for the campus community’s cooperation in issuing new replacement ID cards to faculty, staff and students during the month-long distribution program, which will be operated out of the Student Services Building on Lovett Avenue.
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The goal is to add contactless functionality to the ID card, while upgrading the card’s design at the same time. Contactless is more secure and easier to use, allowing cardholders to simply hold their cards near a reader device, instead of having to swipe the card through a card slot.
Campus community members may have already seen contactless-enabled devices around campus. Parking Services has upgraded the entrance/exit readers at all gated parking facilities, and Recreation Services has installed contactless-enabled devices at the entrance to Carpenter Sports Building.
In addition, a successful pilot program involving contactless technology for electronic door access has been in operation in the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory (ISE Lab) since the building opened. Other projects are in the planning stages and will be announced soon.
The existing ID card held by campus community members must be replaced with a new card that has the contactless chip. The new ID card, called the “ONEcard” to reflect its expanding role on campus, will be the holder’s official UD ID card, and it will replace all current and older versions of the ID card.
It will automatically have any privileges and accesses that are already present on a person’s existing ID card.
The card will also continue to incorporate the traditional magnetic stripe for locations and services that have not yet been converted to contactless.
Campus community members will receive an email within the next week confirming that they are eligible to receive a new ID card, and inviting them to come to the ONEcard distribution center in the Student Services Building to pick up the new card. A subsequent email will provide a suggested date and block of time.
“You do not need to schedule an appointment with us but we will appreciate your effort to arrive within the suggested pickup date/time, so we can keep the process moving efficiently,” an office representative said.
Evening hours will be available one night per week. More detailed information on dates and times will be available soon.
“We must ask you to come in person so that we can verify identity, and you must surrender your old card in order to get the new card,” the representative said. “These security measures are for the protection of your cardholder information and to make sure no one else can make use of your card services.”
Those who do not have their current ID card should contact the office immediately so they can confirm eligibility to receive the new ID card. Send email to id-card@udel.edu, or call 302-831-CARD.
The ID Card Office is located in the Student Services Building on Lovett Avenue, and can be reached at 302-831-CARD (2273). For more information, visit the website.
Also, Brandon Toole, ID Card Office coordinator, has added a list of frequently asked questions about the re-carding initiative to the ID office website. Those who have questions about the ONEcard should check there first to see if their questions are answered in the FAQ list. Those who still have questions can write to id-card@udel.edu.