National leadership
Aristigueta elected vice president of public administration society
12:04 p.m., Jan. 23, 2013--Maria Aristigueta has been elected vice president of the American Society for Public Administration.
As vice president, Aristigueta, who is the Charles P. Messick Professor of Public Administration and director of the University of Delaware’s School of Public Policy and Administration, will also be a member of the society's National Council and of the council's executive committee. She will take office at the society's national conference in March and will then become president-elect in 2014 and will begin serving as president in 2015.
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Aristigueta’s teaching and research interests are primarily in the areas of performance management and organizational behavior, and she also works with the school’s Institute for Public Administration to assist state and local agencies and nonprofits.
She is the author of numerous publications, including Managing for Results in State Government and Civil Society in Cuba, and is coauthor of Organizational Behavior in the Public and Non-Profit Sectors and Practice-Based Performance Management: An International Handbook. She hosted the first Transatlantic Dialogue in the United States with European colleagues at UD.
In September, Aristigueta, who currently is on sabbatical, traveled to the University of Salerno in Italy, where she taught graduate courses and conducted comparative research as a Fulbright Specialist.
The American Society for Public Administration is the largest and most prominent professional association in the field. It distributes three publications to its members, advances ethics and integrity in public service and governance, and promotes dialogue on social equity issues.
Photo by Ambre Alexander