Oct. 20: 'Insider's View of Space Exploration' by Alan Bean, fourth astronaut to walk on moon
Alan Bean was the fourth astronaut to walk on the moon.


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10:08 a.m., Oct. 19, 2010----Alan Bean, former NASA Apollo astronaut and engineer, will share his adventures and what he foresees for the future of space exploration on Wednesday, Oct. 20, starting at 7:30 p.m., at the University's Clayton Hall Conference Center on the Laird Campus in Newark.

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Bean's talk on “An Insider's View of Space Exploration” -- this year's Harcourt C. “Ace” Vernon Memorial Lecture -- promises to be filled with fascinating observations from an explorer who actually walked on Earth's next-door neighbor, nearly 239,000 miles away. Bean was the fourth astronaut to accomplish the feat.

Today, Bean, an accomplished artist, paints moonscapes with acrylics and adds such signature textures as footprints using the sole of a lunar boot replica. Some of Bean's artwork will be video streamed before the lecture begins.

The lecture is free and open to the public. As seating is limited, advance registration is advised. Register online at this website, or send an email to [tholton@udel.edu].

If you can't make it to Clayton Hall, check out the live webcast or watch the presentation in UD Second Life.

The presentation, the 2010 Harcourt C. “Ace” Vernon Memorial Lecture, is sponsored by the Mt. Cuba Astronomical Observatory and UD's Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center.

Vernon (1907-1978) was one of the founders and the first chairman of the board of trustees of Mt. Cuba Observatory in Greenville, Del.
