GRE changing
April 15 training session to focus on new Graduate Record Exam
12:32 p.m., March 23, 2011----The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is changing. The current GRE General Test will be replaced with a new test beginning Aug. 1, along with a totally revamped rating scale.
The University of Delaware Office of Graduate and Professional Education will host an information session on the new exam on Friday, April 15, 10 a.m.-noon, in Room A in the Trabant University Center. All UD faculty and staff are welcome to attend.
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At the session, Jonathan Murray from the Educational Testing Service will present “The GRE General Test Is Changing. Find Out What You Need to Know -- and Why It's Good News for You.”
“ETS is making major revisions to the GRE general test in an effort to better assess student preparedness for graduate school. The verbal and quantitative reasoning sections will incorporate real-life problem solving,” says Charles Riordan, vice provost for graduate and professional education.
“Perhaps the most visible change is in the scoring scale,” Riordan notes. “The familiar 200-800 range in 10-point increments is moving to a 130-170 scale in single-point increments. I encourage graduate program directors, faculty and students considering taking the GRE test to attend the upcoming informational session.”
Those who plan to attend are asked to email Mary Zielinski [] in the Office of Graduate and Professional Education.