Newark Police charge three in recent crimes
Sean K.Sweeney, charged in the Feb. 15 robbery of TD Bank
John W. Austin Sr., charged in the Feb. 15 robbery of Blockbuster Video


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5:42 p.m., Feb. 28, 2011----Newark Police have charged two men and a juvenile in three recent robberies in the Newark area.

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A 17-year-old juvenile from Wilmington has been charged in connection with an armed robbery in the parking lot of the George Wilson Center on New London Road that occurred on Feb. 5.

The juvenile was charged with first degree robbery, possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony and wearing a disguise during the commission of a felony. He was issued $16,000 secured bond, which was posted, and he was released to his mother's custody.

Sean K. Sweeney, 57, of Williamstown, N.J., was charged in the Feb. 15 robbery of TD Bank at 230 East Delaware Ave.

Sweeney was charged with first degree robbery and wearing a disguise during commission of a felony. He is currently being held in New Jersey on bank robbery charges and will be charged by Newark Police upon extradition back to Delaware.

John W. Austin Sr., 59, o f Newark, has been charged in the robbery of the Blockbuster Video store in College Square that occurred on Feb. 15.

He has been charged with first degree robbery, possession of a deadly weapon during the commission of a felony, wearing a disguise during the commission of a felony and theft of a motor vehicle. He has been committed to the Howard Young Correctional Facility in lieu of bail.
