Getting around campus now easier with real-time shuttle bus tracking
This screen capture of the live map shows the South Campus/Laird Express Route. The red dots on the map indicate stopped buses and the green dots indicate moving buses. Bus numbers are indicated in the boxes next to the dots.


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9:03 a.m., Feb. 16, 2010----University of Delaware Transportation Services has launched a real-time bus tracking information service for UD Shuttle Bus riders.

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Transportation Services developed the system in conjunction with Syncromatics, a provider of intelligent transportation solutions. Real-time information provides schedule and route information using wireless technology, enabling riders to see if their bus will arrive as scheduled or if traffic, weather conditions or an accident will cause it to arrive late.

The UD Transportation Services real-time information program is available to all University community riders. UD Shuttle Buses carry more than 1 million passengers each year.

“We are excited to offer real-time information and believe it reinforces our commitment to serving our riders. The tracking system is the latest step in adapting UD Transportation Services to meet the needs of today's University community,” Bill Fitzpatrick, director of Supporting Services, said.

The real-time information went live on Monday, Feb. 15. To learn more about the service, visit the UD Shuttle Web site.

University passengers can access route and schedule information in one of four ways: text, mobile web, phone and on the regular web. Passengers can use any one of these media to connect to the Transportation Web site or to the automated phone line at (302) 721-5072.

Each UD Shuttle Bus stop has a designated stop number that riders text, dial or type. The Syncromatics computer assisted design (CAD)/automated vehicle locator (AVL) system tracks all the buses every six seconds, providing riders, as well as dispatchers with the location of each bus in relation to every bus stop on campus. The system identifies when the next bus is expected at that stop.

“Our goal remains to make getting around campus accessible and sustainable,” Fitzpatrick said. “By building a more reliable, more robust transit system, we can reduce frustration, congestion and pollution. We look to the University community for their participation in this process.”

The University of Delaware has retained the highly regarded transportation planning and traffic engineering firm Martin/ Alexiou/ Bryson (M/A/B) to assess the University's parking and transit system. The study will incorporate planning principles outlined in the University Campus Capacity and Assessment Review and reflect the strategic objectives outlined in the Path to ProminenceTM.

In addition to enhancing customer service, the Syncromatics system will make UD Shuttle more productive by providing dispatchers the ability to detect and avert the bunching of buses, which decreases the cost of providing service and offers management the ability to analyze the on-time performance of buses.
