New grant funds integration of academics and student life
Michael Gilbert, vice president for student life
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4:57 p.m., Oct. 23, 2008----The University of Delaware has received a $150,000 three-year grant from the Unidel Foundation to fund projects that promote the integration of academic and student life programs in order to enhance the academic, personal and professional development of students, Michael Gilbert, vice president for student life, and Havidán Rodríguez, vice provost for academic affairs and international programs, announced.

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The new grant will provide funding through the Academic and Student Affairs Council (ASAC) to facilitate the development of new programs, conferences and workshops, as well as research activities at the University.

ASAC, which is cochaired by Gilbert and Rodríguez, was established in 2006 to promote the development of a campus culture that values the integration of academic initiatives with student life activities and to provide leadership and support to new initiatives that combine the acquisition of knowledge in an academic setting with experiential learning through student life activities.

Project proposals from council members, faculty and staff will be selected based on their ability to promote the integration of academic and student life programs and enhance student learning and success.

“The availability of new resources to promote innovation and collaboration will invite a broader participation of staff and students to develop and engage in already established programs, including undergraduate research, service learning, first-year experience and student leadership programs,” Gilbert said.

“This initiative is an important step toward encouraging faculty to develop new courses, innovative learning modules and interdisciplinary programs,” Rodríquez said. “The funds will also support faculty and staff professional development activities, including participation at conferences and meetings focusing on the integration of academic and student affairs.”

Faculty and staff members are encouraged to contact Rodríguez or Gilbert to learn more about the Academic and Student Affairs Council and to inquire about submitting a program proposal.

Established in 1939 by Amy Elizabeth du Pont, the Unidel Foundation has given generous support to the University of Delaware programs, including a gift to endow faculty chairs and professorships.

Article by Martin A. Mbugua
